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Councilwomen allegedly "illiterate" ??
Has anyone else read about the "turmoil" in Naeole's office on ??

I rarely check-in there, but was sort of shocked about the allegation's from ( what I understand ) a well respected assistant -Hale.

Now I have never met Naeole, but when you hear of any elected official being allegedly "illiterate", "uninformed on all of the issues","wore stretch pants, t-shirt- and tennis shoes to a meeting with Akaka in D.C.".......... what on earth.

There seems to be other improprieties. Check it out.

Definately something we all should be focused on, whether the allegations turn out to be true or false.

So why is anyone surprised? This is the same ol' Aunty Emily that always sold Le'i in front of Cash and Carry for years, we've all known her for years. Did you expect anything different than this from her? We all knew her before we voted for her, (yes I voted for her, she was the least of all evils at the time).

Edited by - leilaniguy on 05/13/2007 22:33:33

Edited by - leilaniguy on 05/13/2007 22:37:17

Edited by - leilaniguy on 05/13/2007 23:07:53
Aunty Emily met us at our mail box when campaigning. After a talking awhile she asked for our vote. She got it.
She recently addressed our community at our Seaview annual meeting. She seems to genuinely concerned about local issues.
If the ability to bring people
awareness,togetherness, and kindness comes in stretch pants and doesn't read; so be it.
Just because I don't agree with stretch pants and illiteracey, does not mean she can not do some good for us here in Puna.

"Yearn to understand first and to be understood second."
-- Beca Lewis Allen
I recently met Emiley....visited with her for some time. No worrys...she is a good person who knows Puna and takes care of her family. She knows the basic problems in Puna and thinks much like the rest of us.


"and thinks much like the rest of us."

Now that's a scary thought! ;^)


What goes around comes around!

Yeah Royal, your right....we are an interesting bunch, huh?

My wife and I chat with Aunty Emily every chance we get. She is one of those genuinely good people, full of aloha, who always leaves me feeling better about life. Illiterate? She seems to be a better communicator than most people I know. A casual dresser? Well, so am I, so I guess we have that in common. If anyone ever wants to experience true aloha spirit, stop and chat with Aunty Emily at the Maku'u market some time.

I like her.



"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
I just went to that site and saw someone stole my name!!!!! There was a post on there by "Puna Girl"!!!! Darn, I thought I was being original.

Since I don't know for sure, I can't say if the allegations about illiteracy are true or maybe just some political lava slinging, but I voted for Auntie Emily too. She is definitely not your typical politician, which is something we should all be glad for. One thing I'm learning is that things really are done differently here in Hawai'i. Once I went to a presentation by a native Hawaiian cultural practitioner and, as I was furiously taking notes on every word she said, she related that her teachers would have been offended by note taking, because that would mean you aren't paying full attention to the person speaking. They would say "now the paper is smarter than you are". So I stopped writing and just listened - and I got it. Hawaiian culture has a rich oral tradition...
It seems to me that real communication is valued most. I think Emily is a good, down to earth communicator and has made a real effort to listen to the concerns of her constituents. Personally, I don't care what kind of pants she wears.

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