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Wed Kalapana Hoolaulea & Uncle's Awa Club Closed
In case anyone is interested, I just got this info via Facebook (Uncleroberts Awaclub) ....

"We, the Keliihoomalu Ohana will not tolerate any illegal drug soliciting and use! As well as, underage drinking! Due to the stupidity and disrespect to our Ohana, the Wednesday night Kalapana Hoolaulea and Uncle's Awa Club will be closed effective 11-07-12 until further notice. If you should have any questions or comments, go to Lohelani Keliihoomalu's Facebook."

....and this sucks! Sad

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
Yes, it does, and it was bound to happen. The ohana has no protection against drugs and underaged drinking, and Uncle Robert could potentially be liable for all of it. If anyone knows what happened, (there are already several versions) please post it.

This is just par for the course. Kenoi was down there himself a while ago, and so was the police chief. There is no way Uncle should lose his property because of the disrespectful morons who do this kind of thing. Sadly, it could be ohana to them, too. Totally disgusted, and worried for Uncle Robert. He's the main concern, and doesn't need this crap in his old age.

If anyone knows who is responsible for this kind of continued behavior, out of respect to Uncle, please tell them it's not right. Also need the immediate ohana to take a good look at what's happened, and happening over there.

So sad. Aunty G Girl would be furious! [Sad!]
Not at all surprised by this. Saddened, but not surprised.

I was there months ago and it was an absolutely wonderful experience. The family had people stationed about every 100 feet on the drive out directing traffic and wishing people aloha as they drove home. You left with a very warm and fuzzy feeling of old Hawaii.

Went a few weeks after that. Hardly any family members directing traffic as people left. No one wishing you aloha as you left. A drunk guy holding a 40 ounce was walking in the middle of the street right at my car as I was driving away. (I was already about 1/4 to 1/2 mile away from the awa bar at that point.) The guy stayed in the middle of the road and raised his arms menacingly at me (one hand holding the large bottle) and started yelling incoherently. He had a long scragly beard and looked like he hadn't showered in months. I was alone in my car and needless to say didn't leave with a warm and fuzzy feeling. To be honest, I haven't been back.
A lot of vendors relied on that place. And it really was wonderful. Sad situation.
I hadn't been in months. And someone asked me to join them there tomorrow. Very disappointed. I really like the music there (Ikaika and his uncle are wonderful as are the rest of the musicians). I know they will get this going again. They were a victim of their own success in a way.
This goes to show if you find a really good fishing hole, never, ever, reveal it. Uncle Robert's Wednesday farmer's market was a very special experience, with a feeling of true aloha. It was kind of wild, some mild pot smoking, some guys with booze in paper bags. The last time I went several months ago, things had started changing. It was a lot rowdier, not so much aloha, a lot more drunk people. Part of it seems to have been a problem with the awa bar though. It started serving hard alchohol on a large scale. I was surprised to see the bar person bring in several cases of rum, vodka, and whiskey. There wasn't any indication the awa bar was serving liquor, but the booze was flowing freely. Don't it always seem to go, don't know what you got till its gone. Take paradise, put up a parking lot.
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Such a loss to the community. We try to get there about once a month. Arrived early, left early to avoid parking issues and rowdiness. We have always had good times. The music and food was always wonderful. I hope they can find a way to make it work again.
To those in charge, please reconsider. I only hope the love o money has not ruined Uncle Roberts permanently. Somebody decided to sell lots of alcohol. Why? Greed?
My suggestion is close the bar and stop the entertainment earlier. Ask the vendors when sales tail off. 8:00 o'clock, maybe? Hire security? Maybe even hire a policeman or two.

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