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I am looking at two very different lots in Leilani. One is on Malama and is a spaghetti lot that backs up to the forest reserve. I have actually made an offer on that lot and awaiting a response from the mainland seller. If that doesn't work out I just saw a 2.60 acre lot on Kahukai St. (MLS #255683).
I am comfortable with everything about the Malama lot. It is a lot away from the palm garden on Malama. I know it has high speed internet & cable. Years ago I was outbid on a lot near this one.
I have never really spent much time on Kahuikai St. Is it sunnier on that street? Does it get high speed & cable? The agent mentions it backing up to an area that was once zoned to be a subdivision. Does anyone know the status of that? I'd rather have two acres but a little worried about what could eventually be built on the land behind it.
Any pros or cons to either of the streets?
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While I don't know specifically about Leilani, we've looked at dozens of lots in Puna and the ones that back up to the forest reserve tend to get a lot of pig damage.
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They will both have phone so a DSL connection is possible. A new cell tower in mid-Leilani is nearing completion so wireless should be strong at both and cable is in place from the top of Leilani down to Kupono. The Malama lot is a little further away from PGV. The property on kahukai is probably still three lots unless the owner combined them with the County. That side is close to an Albezia forest and a lot of land behind it just changed hands last year and may go to ag use or ??. It's hard to imagine another subdivision. So much depends on neighbors and personal preference. As for pigs, you can always put in a fence.
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Beware the Albizia when buying in Leilani. If you have any at all on your land they can become a liability very quickly. Also, be sure to review all the CCRs for Leilani before you purchase they have some pretty far out rules, actually, it may be one of the subdivisions who can fine and put a lien on your property if you do not remove Albizias!
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Originally posted by rainyjim
Beware the Albizia when buying in Leilani. If you have any at all on your land they can become a liability very quickly. Also, be sure to review all the CCRs for Leilani before you purchase they have some pretty far out rules, actually, it may be one of the subdivisions who can fine and put a lien on your property if you do not remove Albizias!
Here is a link to the CC&Rs for Leilani Estates There is nothing in there that I would consider "Pretty far out rules". If you have an Albezia on your property ANY where in the state of Hawaii and it falls and damages a neighbors property you are responsible for the damage.
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You are entitled to your own opinions.
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We have asked all property owners to try and control, remove, both Albezia and Miconia on their Leilani lots but we have no way to require it or penalize owners who don't. The main problem is that the worst lots with invasive trees are owned by people off island any many have not seen the lot ever or for years. We have discussed raising annual assessments to cover clean up after windy storms but have not done that so far either. Kind of unfair to some of the owners.
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I've heard a big problem besides falling on houses is their massive roots can literally pull up sections of paved roads! Albizias are definitely not to be trifled with - I'm amazed the county doesn't cut down the ones nearest to the highways...many a time driving down 132 or Kapoho - Pahoa RD I have seen a fallen branch blocking the entire roadway, I'd hate to drive up one day and see a squashed minivan full of kids coming home from school or some such.
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Being required to have a 2-car garage or carport seems kind of weird.
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I agree midnight, also having an 800 sq ft house may be to large for some!