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Some guy told me about a place that will come and get coconut palm trees, and maybe other types, that have reached a certain height and haul them away for you and even pay you for the privilege. I forgot the name the moment he told me.
Does anyone know of such a place? I have a bunch of coconut palms --some quite large-- that I would love to go away. It's an odd problem to have, but I think I am getting used to things being a little strange around here.
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The person would have to have a buyer lined up who was willing to pay thousands of dollars for the palms. The buyer would have to be already lined up because one cannot store large coconut palms somewhere.
Digging the holes for the palms at the site, digging up your palms with a heavy duty expensive crane, transporting them on the large gas guzzling flat bed truck to the planting site and finally planting them with a big crane involves lots of labor hours, liability insurance, costly equipment and up front money before this individual would see a dime in profit.
Maybe if a new hotel resort was being built or a new home worth millions was being planned, you might find a buyer for your cocos.
If you had some good sized rare palms, you could maybe find a buyer. Large Red Sealing Wax palms (Cyrtostachys renda) can bring top dollar if they are easy to get at.
-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".
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I agree, resorts often transplant coconut trees, but I wouldnt think may homeowner would want to pay for such a task. The rarer palms would be in demand, same with rarer trees/bamboo ie bottle palms, black bamboo or travelers palms (a type of bird of paradise) etc., you will get people out to dig these up. But the larger common palms are so heavy and long when they are mature, let along unusual bent habits of growth that would make them hard to transplant with a strong base they are not worth it IMO...
common Coconut, Alexander, Triangle, Manilla, Areca, etc.
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
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Originally posted by Kelena
Some guy told me about a place that will come and get coconut palm trees, and maybe other types, that have reached a certain height and haul them away for you and even pay you for the privilege. I forgot the name the moment he told me.
Does anyone know of such a place? I have a bunch of coconut palms --some quite large-- that I would love to go away. It's an odd problem to have, but I think I am getting used to things being a little strange around here.
Check to see if your trees have spike holes from being climbed with climbing spikes.If they have spike holes, no one will want them.
Try calling Malcolm at Puna Certified Nurseries,966-8300.He will probably know who buys.
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Anybody want 60foot Norfolk pine for your centerpiece just in time for Christmas please call. 2 or 3 still available.
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Oh, Jesus. I forgot to ask that name again. Think I will just plow them under. Don't want no pines, thanks!
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OK does anyone know HOW to transplant a Coconout palm?
Or does any one want one? This was a little sprouted nut growing in our yardwhen we bought 8.5 yrs ago... was told it was probably a Samoan... however it is now 4'-5' tree with 10' plus leaves.... and 8" dia... but really close to our neighbor & such, so I would like this "little" palm moved now, if possible...
If anyone would like this "little" tree & wants to try their hand at transplanting, it is FREE!
If interested, reply below, this "little" tree is in Keaau town.
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Just saw the post - if you still have it, I'll take it! To late to call tonight - I'll call tomorrow.
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Cool! I will find out the proper digging procedure!
ADD 2: Just called Puna Certified (thanks for the #) & they said it can be done (now is the latest for best results) 3'-4' circle round & 3'-4' down (depending on the ripping at that spot, have done that in our yard before)& care to not damage the main root. Worst case, tree does not make it, best does!
Add: want any smaller Manila (Christmas) Palms? always have those to share!
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We are thinking of moving a bismark palm - we called John @ Rozette's for good advice. I will let you know how it goes as it is a 10-12 week process (not the moving but the prep to move).