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Mauna Loa Thermal
Really surprised by this thermal of Mauna Loa. Magma seems right there & it's been inflating since 2010. The website says this is "normal". Hmmmm . . .
Hmmmm....... From the HVO website "Mauna Loa is among Earth's most active volcanoes, having erupted 33 times since its first well-documented historical eruption in 1843. Its most recent eruption was in 1984."

Guess I've been watching the wrong volcano. And it's 56,000 feet above its base (including the part that is sub-marine). Okay. It's really big, and it's really active.
On the other hand, Kilauea can toss rocks for far as the coast. It occurred to me that this place might be a little dangerous. Still safer than the 405 freeway though.
this is "normal"

this is "puna"

well, i remember very clearly last time she made a show for us. had spent the day in kona and was driving back to mt. view with my dad. i was scared sh......less watching the fast moving rivers of lava, my dad was laughing, we made it safely home, but we spent the rest of the nite on the lanai watching the show. it makes kilauea look like a tiny little pimple when she goes.... if i recall correctly, the lava made it to within 4 miles of hilo town.
Almost posted that last week! After looking at the legend for the graph I realized it wasn't that "hot". It's not *really* clear, tho'.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Mauna Loa is also responsible for the Pana`ewa flow - that extends though out most of east Hilo, and makes the peninsula that starts at Moku Ola (Coconut Island), and includes all of Banyan, Keakaha, Kings Landing & Kaloli Pt...and of couse the port, airport, industrial area, mall area, Pana`ewa Farmlots & the zoo... 67 sq miles about 1500 years ago...

This flow is also unique in that it has a blend of new flow characteristic olivine crystals, along with old flow characteristic hornblend (the green & white crystals) and is very close to the composition of lunar volcanic flows. (this blend also gives the Hilo beaches & Shipman Beach their unique "salt & pepper" look with the greenish gold overtones.
The 1881 lava flow also came down to Hilo itself. You can see it along Komohana St. between Mohouli and Nowelo.

Also, FWIW Mauna Loa is "only" about 29,400' high - 15,700' below water and 13677' above.

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