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Military Illegally Disposes of Depleted Uranium (D
U.S. Military Illegally Disposes of Depleted Uranium (DU) in Hawaii!

Malu 'Aina calls on the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), and other authorities, to uphold the Hawaii State Constitution against the U.S. military polluting our islands with depleted uranium. All live-fire at bases known to contain DU must be stopped, comprehensive testing and monitoring must be implemented, including further testing of residents urine for high levels of uranium. Since the military cannot account for the hundreds, possibly thousands, of rounds of depleted uranium it used in Hawaii, it has effectively disposed of it in Hawaii. Malu 'Aina hereby requests the Hawaii County Prosecutor, the Hawaii State Attorney General, the Director of DLNR, and the NRC to initiate an investigation of the U.S. military for violation of the Hawaii State Constitution.

On Dec. 12, 2012 the NRC will be meeting with the US Army in MARYLAND to discuss whether to issue a license for the military to possess DU in HAWAII. That meeting should be held in Hawaii, NOT MARYLAND, and the actions called for above should be ordered by the NRC. Let your voice be heard. Email the NRC Mahalo.


DU has been used in military training at Pohakuloa, Schofield Barracks,and possibly other sites on various islands and surrounding waters. Recently, several Big island residents – patients of 3 Medical Doctors and a Naturopathic doctor – have tested high for uranium in their urine, including levels exceeding three times the upper expected limit. Email to investigate to determine the source of this uranium.


ARTICLE XI on NUCLEAR ENERGY Section 8 states: No nuclear fission power plant shall be constructed or radioactive material disposed of in the State without the prior approval by a two-thirds vote in each house of the legislature. [Add Const Con 1978 and election Nov 7, 1978]

ENVIRONMENTAL RIGHTS Section 9 states: Each person has the right to a clean and healthful environment, as defined by laws relating to environmental quality, including control of pollution and conservation, protection and enhancement of natural resources...


On July 2, 2008, the Hawaii County Council, by a vote of 8-1, passed Resolution 639-08: Urging the US military to address the hazards of Depleted uranium at the Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA). Specifically, that resolution called for 8 actions including a complete halt to B-2 bombing missions and to all live-firing exercises and other activities at PTA that create dust until there is an assessment and clean up of the depleted uranium already present. None of the 8 actions called for by the Hawaii County Council have been carried out by the U.S. military.


1. Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject war as a solution. 3. Defend civil liberties. 4. Oppose all discrimination, anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, anti-Hawaiian, etc.
5. Seek peace through justice in Hawai`i and around the world.
Malu `Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box AB Kurtistown, Hawai`i 96760.
Phone (808) 966-7622. Email
Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet (Nov. 30, 2012 – 584th week) - Friday 3:30-5PM downtown Post Office


"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012
17 U.S. 316
"ARTICLE XI on NUCLEAR ENERGY Section 8 states: No nuclear fission power plant shall be constructed or radioactive material disposed of in the State without the prior approval by a two-thirds vote in each house of the legislature. [Add Const Con 1978 and election Nov 7, 1978]"

Depleted uranium isn't radioactive.
Uranium is radioactive by nature. So depleted uranium is still radioactive.
Besides, the military can do whatever they choose, regardless of how wrong it seems. So state approval is not required for such issues.
This video does a pretty good job of describing the environmental racism and abuse the military gets away with:
"Uranium is radioactive by nature. So depleted uranium is still radioactive."
No. Some isotopes of uranium are radioactive. If you remove, or deplete, uranium of those
isotopes then you have non-radioactive uranium. That's why it's called depleted uranium.

Environmental racism?
Depleted uranium (uranium-238) is slightly radioactive. However it is an alpha emitter so it is not very dangerous to handle unless you inhale or swallow it; the particles can't penetrate the skin. But uranium is extremely toxic, like lead, so that is where the main danger from DU is.

That said, it's unclear how much DU was actually used here. The only things that are documented are the Davy Crockett dummy warheads that were fired at Pohakuloa. It would be worse if they had fired anti-tank rounds, but I've never seen evidence of that and the Army has never admitted it. But many things have been done that were not even documented so they may not even know what was done decades ago. You can find many unexploded bombs and shells well outside the areas that they were supposed to have been ever been dropped/fired.
Depleted uranium is a radioactive metal 1.7 times as dense as lead. Millions of tons of DU are available in the United States because it is the waste product of the process used to make enriched uranium for atomic bombs and nuclear power plants. When DU is used to reinforce the core of ammunition it can easily penetrate the armor on tanks shielded by ordinary steel.

When the DU-reinforced shell strikes the tank, the DU ignites. Tiny particles of radioactive uranium oxide are loosed into the air for miles around. Humans can inhale these particles, which then become hot spots of radioactivity inside the body.
Metal of Dishonor:
No, there are no hot spots of radioactivity because depleted uranium is not radioactive.

What do you think is more radioactive, depleted uranium or bananas?
time flys
like the wind
fruit flys
like bananas

We talking about bananas again ?

All my trees are going ripe at once ... Should i leave them up or 'spread' this bad stuff around ?

DP would better for a keel than bananas.


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