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Hawaiians Defined!
Bill O'Reilly of Fox Noise sent his attack reporter assistant to Oahu, prior to the beginning of Obama's vacation, and interview people on the beach. Personally, it seems impossible to characterize what is a Hawaiian with just words but somehow, one young lady on the beach with an eye catching bikini bottom, manages it. O'Reilly's comment about it being a "libertine society" was very amusing.

(video at the bottom of the page after the ad plays)

"It was a majority decision to descend into the Dark Ages. Don't worry, be happy, bang on da drum all day!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
He can be such an elemu!

Used to enjoy his show, however, FOX news has changed from national news to political bashing(of Democrats, mostly)in the past couple of years. JMO.

I liked the comments from the black ladies. I voted for Obama to keep my EBT! Damn! Oh well, at least they are honest! Smile
This dip-**** is one of the reasons the pre-school class we call a congress took 4 years and waited to the very last minute to do anything about the " fiscal cliff" including our Hawaii or Hawaii representatives. If my children had behaved like those morons, I would have worn a belt out on them. Maybe Madam Pele will answer my prayers and swallow DC while they are all there. Then we could start over.

dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
If your tax rate is >30%, either your adding it up wrong or you need to see an accountant. I added them all up and mine is 24% at middle-middle class, no deductions or funny stuff. Also, inflation is about 2%. We get hit with more here because of the cost of fuel with our wasteful system of shipping everything in including food.
yeeep, Happy New Year Dick !!!! : )


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