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57% of Hawaiian Voters Support Marijuana Legalizat
Just saw this:

Is it really gonna take several years for the state legislature to take this up?
I think first thing we need is a theme song. Damn, if Don Ho was still alive we might be able to get him to change his song to "Who's the lolo state legislator that won't legalize my pakalolo."
Legalization isn't going anywhere; States love to pass the buck ("pre-empted by Federal law") and the Feds are too busy worrying about "gun control" and pretending the US isn't really bankrupt.
I think the tide is turning... And purely from an economic perspective (re US being bankrupt) we can't afford to keep locking up recreational weed smokers.

seems to be turning very slowly...the "we can't afford" part..what has "afford" got to do with anything?
do a search on gw pharma sativex

GW flooding washinton with campaign cash this last election cycle - right about the time the white house did a 180 and started closing dispensaries.

GW funding studies proposising "cannabis deficient receptor syndrome" as a disease (yup brought grin to my face as well) that their product will cure.

An THC mouth spray will "own" the market imho - no more politically taboo smoking of joints and pipes - takes the product to mainstream

The govt freaked out at the cash and political clout dispensaries were gaining - this is the answer for them - take the profit from individuals and pass it on to corporations has been the govt mo for years now....

disclaimer: I bought some of the stock..... may have a bias
I agree Frank, just stating the economic side of this since kalakoa brought it up. Obviously when you put someone in jail for something this ridiculous there is enormous human toll.
I think legalizing the Pakalolo would do wonders to stamp out the ice problem and a lot of domestic violence too, not to mention institutionalized violence. There were over 500 gun murders in Chicago last year(where guns are banned) almost every single one is a result of drug gang violence. The President of Mexico has threatened to legalize, that would push all the violence into our country, it would be overwhelming for the law enforcement. When will people learn that prohibition does not work, especially for a plant that grows like a weed. Stop the violence, let people choose what they do with their own bodies.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
now days it cure obesity as well - interesting how god this stuff is for you after all - after imprisoning folks for the last 50 years on Nancy Ray Guns say so.... "just say no" campaign ... Once the corporations found a way to profit

so will we see corporate commercial grow out in Hawaii - GMO pot 4 crops a year for monsanto - grin

Bayer seems to have bought up the distribution rights for sativex
On HuffPost now too:

"The poll was also accompanied by an economic impact report, which found that marijuana legalization would provide the state with savings of around $12 million a year in enforcement costs, as well as at least $11 million a year in additional revenue through taxation."

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