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Bring almost nothing when you move
I know this has been covered many times before, but I came here with 3 kids and only shipped about 20 boxes and I have been very happy with the decision. Just give stuff away prior to moving. Much less stress. Buy cheap stuff when you get here that will last a few years- and by that time you'll know if it's going to work out or not. I agree with "renting first" opinion, but I moved here with 3 kids and had never visited Hawaii and knew almost nothing about it.(long story). So, how is it working out? Great! I am however, working at a job I didnt expect, and getting trained to do another future job that I didnt expect to be doing. I also rented a house unseen and that has also worked out very well, and it's a great house in a good neighborhood. My kids are doing well in school and have lots of friends. We are very fair skineed, blue eyed, so I dont think there is discrimination here. Just keep an open mind, be friendly, and be flexible!
Good attitude. Glad to hear of your success. Don't be afraid to keep us informed on the good and the bad. I recall getting dire warnings from people when I bought my property here in '93. It was smooth for me too.

It's been awhile but there is an old topic called "Moving to Puna Stories"..... we should probably revive it.,to,Puna,Stories

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Oh I know. OMG. The anxiety attacks of people who heard I was moving to Hawaii! IT's not all "perfect" -as I was "counselled recently by the boyscout troop leader about "how my kids are caucasion and jump right into everything" and the "other kids dont really know what to make of this". I basically assured him that "I would explain to my kids how to be a bit more asian". I dont consider any of this "racist" just that "when in Rome, do as the Romans do". I also told him I was happy to "be a parent volunteer" and to call me if he needed me.
Hawaii is an east meets west kind of place. To succeed here some of each needs to be left behind and the rest embraced.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Sounds awesome! We are also a family of 3 and are going to be getting right of almost all of the furniture and bringing the barest of stuff. We are not sure were we are going to be renting but we have secured a vacation house in Leilani and hopefully hopefully we can find a rental there as well. We will be moving the middle of July and I am hopping all goes smoothly. We will be carting what stuff we are bringing and 2 cars to Seattle from MN. - Dave
Once you get here and ask your neighbors, I'd imagine you'd find a rental easily as long as you are working or have lots of cash. I have my kids up in Hilo because I think the schools there are better, but I also have heard that the schools down in Pahoa and Keaau are improving. The public schools in HIlo have been great for my kids. How old are your kids?
My kids are 9,6,3 and they are also heavily involved in cub scouts and girl scouts. We are a mixed family with me being white and my wife being Japanese. We live mostly Japanese as much as possible. We feel so at home in Hawaii, so that is one of the reasons we are making the move. Hopefully we can find a niche and make it a better place to be. I work from home so as long as I have a internet connection I am good. We are going to try to get a rental before the epic move through a company like Daylum or clarke reality but if not we can go month to month in the vacation house.

I have submitted to HAAS but won't find out if we made the lottery until the end of April.
Ah... I've got to get to work, but you'd like the area around DeSilva elementary in HIo. Great school. I got a rental off of craigslist and it's been good.
Thanks! Not quite sure where we will end up but I do know there so many good people here on Punaweb!
Would love to hear your story.

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