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Just wondering if anyone here has tried magnolias from cuttings? I found a website that said you could start from cuttings if you used "soft wood" cuttings. Soft meaning the bark is easily pierced by your fingernail. Unfortunately, it also said that it only works for some species of magnolia, and does not say which.
I have a beautiful one growing on my street, but am not sure who owns it as it is in between 2 properties. One that I have never seen anyone at, the other, I also have never seen anyone but the driveway looks used. LOL! If it doesn't even work with the ones that we have here, I don't want to stalk an obviously reclusive neighbor asking if I can have a cutting [:p]
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Punaweb moderator
I have started a few trimmings from our magnolia (we planted over 5 years ago,,,I think from PlantItHawaii...or the BIAN not a great help as to type....)
I don't get great results from these, maybe as high as 25% root...but still have done, used RooTone...

It is a good way to MEET your neighbors, add a banana bread (or fruit or speciality you have) delivery to the request...& most likely you will be able to trim away.... based on MY experience only, try to get 4-5 cuttings, just in case...
Air layering is a lot more reliable than trying to root cuttings. I did two from a magnolia that was in the wrong place, and both of them took.
Thanks guys. I still have not seen my elusive neighbor yet lol. I do usually bring something when I see new neighbors. But this is NOT the neighborhood to just go walking up people's driveways [:p]
Is air rooting the thing where you damage the bark of a branch and wrap the sphagnum moss and plastic around it?

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