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Clean Air and HPP roads
I have been following a bit about the Clean Air Act and the unpaved roads of HPP. Is the Law a Federal Law or Hawaiian?

We live on a rock road and pay for dust control at $600 for 500 feet because we can't do it ourselves at 10% of the cost for the same calciun chloride they use. I think it is time to sue the county to repeal the monopoly and gouging, or maybe have them do the dust control without the contractors getting rich.[Wink]

I started out with nothing and I still have most of it.
I started out with nothing and I still have most of it.
[quote]Originally posted by Wuzzerdad

I have been following a bit about the Clean Air Act and the unpaved roads of HPP. Is the Law a Federal Law or Hawaiian?

Aloha Wuzzerdad,
Clean Air Act (Federal) was established in the 60.s.....The Environmental Protection Agency was established in 1970. It was established primarily to answer citizen concerns for the protection of human health and to safeguard the natural environment.....(Water, Land, AIR.) It makes mandatory the establishment of Environmental Protection Agencies in each state and Delegates to the states permit procedure, monitoring and compliance.
Here in Hawaii, the chain is...........
Department of Health.......-Environmental Management Division-
and For our situation......fugitive dust.....
It goes to the CLEAN AIR BRANCH.

There are 3 divisions of the Clean Air Branch...... 1. Engineering
2. Monitoring & Analysis
3. Compliance and ENFORCEMENT

HPPOA case file is with the Compliance and Enforcement Division of the Clean Air Branch, (Environmental Management , State of Hawaii Department of Health).......who's job it is to enforce Federal Law thru it's own adopted State statutes.

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