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Great description of Hawaii's electric grid.
Thought you would all enjoy this description of Hawaii's grid.
Bored me pretty quick. Not so much a description as a bunch of ranting on a blog. Foul language doesn't make anyone sound credible.
I find both the description and the invective to be fairly accurate.

Not that whinging on a forum helps lower electricity rates....
The bad language was primarily directed at the state of O'ahu's power grid, which may have been appropriate if the poster is to be believed. Otherwise I thought there were interesting comments by apparently knowledgeable people, but no really new information. The discussion did highlight the rock and hard place we are in, between the long term oil-fired plant commitments and the real need to replace them with better technology and bring down electrical rates.
and they are right about the grid tie residential solar systems they produce power when and where the grid does not need it.
Originally posted by Seeb

and they are right about the grid tie residential solar systems they produce power when and where the grid does not need it.

The only reason for this is because the grid is too stupid to handle predict where it is needed most. Some upgrades to meters and communication would fix it. But I feel Hawaii isn't really based on fixing any renewable problems I mean Helco in Hilo still runs off old steam turbines that are out dated and not very efficient. Efficient is a dirty word to Helco. What would it take to scrap the hilo plant for a gas Propane fired power plant?
Lots of propane for starters. I doubt that would be economical.
Honda will bring to market fuel cells in 2 years. They are offering hydrogen generation on site (your house) using solar cells and water or natural gas. (Box looks to be the size of a washing machine)

The Honda car when not on the road can use the same systems to power ones house - they whole setup has been making the car shows - on sale in two years - ready to go .... its been a long wait for hydrogen fuel cells - hoda will subsidise the cost until production numbers reduce the numbers to an affordable level

The grid may be a thing of the past fairly soon - 'be cool to get rid of the ghetto wood power poles...... one can dream.......
I would rather see the power poles recycled for an island-wide fiber broadband network.

One can dream...
underground it - end the eyesores .... hard wire systems soon to be a thing of the past the future being in wireless - Tesla knew that - grin

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