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Could someone please enlighten me on the thought processes that would be going on in someone's head. For instance, "the dump is only 10 minutes away and free- but I am too lazy to keep traveling down there". OR, "this looks like a likely place to dump some garbage bags of personal trash and no-one will see me, so I guess it's ok". OR, "somehow it doesn't matter if the entire east side of Hawaii becomes a giant garbage dump, because I don't respect the Aina and don't care" etc.
So annoying. I don't even have a truck and haul this crap out around my property all the time. So gross...
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Yeah, not like this happens all over the mainland all the time too. It's just stupid people Julie, that's all. Nothing mysterious about it.
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Where I came from the dump had a $25.00 minimum. Here it's FREE!! No excuse. I often go to Hilo and get off on Lama and take some nice back roads and catch Railroad near Home Depot. There is a corner lot where some slob dumped like 6-8 mattresses. The weeds are growing over and hiding some of them now, but come on!!
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
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I was just at Malala Market and getting some 89 cent guava juice... About three doors down was a used diaper on da ground!!! Ummmmmmm.... Whaaaaaaaaaaa.... Last time I see one used diaper on the ground was in Waianae... Never see that in the mainland yet. It's a new first Uh...Errr Second for me. I find it on one of the lowest levels one can go.
I also see people that drive these big trucks around or a big V8 with one person driving them on the way to work and back fully empty (daily driver)... Wasting our resources and adding more CO2 in the air. I put all these people on the same level of stooopid. What you gonna do tho? Slap em? No room in the jails... No time for petty idiots with a few bucks in the pocket to get half a gallon of gas to go to da store and charge up with credit card a half of rack of cheapest swill just to see it on the side of road. Tho the bottle tax works pretty well for that, the rest of the trash just sits there for everyone to see... Sad.
Yes it does happen on the mainland. What's your point? Just cause He/She do stupid things on da mainland we gotta do em here too? Monkey see monkey doo?
Tho usually the more uneducated you are the more likely you might think no big deal dump it here attitude.
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I agree Julie this is a huge problem on our Island. People who try and downplay the problem by saying it happens every where "no big deal" are a part of the problem also - and probably the same people dumping/littering .. why else would they try and downplay such a heinous crime?
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How many tickets did HPD write for littering or dumping this year?
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It does happen everywhere. It is not okay. One solution? Keep some plastic gloves in your truck and pick it up on your way to the dump.
Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
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I have a truck for my job. I also use it to go shopping. So sue me.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
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Your challenge has been accepted. My lawyers will be in touch.
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I don't care about people that have "work" trucks personally (can't speak for others) I do dislike the solo SUV riders and the raised gigantic monster trucks with shiny rims and shiny paint ...i.e. obviously not a work truck.
So people who take offense to the truck comments should reread for comprehension please.