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lava post holes
Looking for someone with some instrument that will take 2 foot post holes down to 3 feet through solid lava (and will charge a reasonable price to do it). This would be for two unfinished post holes in lower HPP.
Oh man, my days of running a jackhammer are long gone.

"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
Rent roto-hammer. Location?
Puna Rentals has jackhammers for rent
The air hammer that Puna Rentals has does a great job. The roto type bit makes the right size hole to pound a steel fence post into. No cement needed. Just be sure to keep the hammer perpendicular to the ground.


Hale O Na Mea Pa`ani

Any idea how much they are per hour? I guess I could call them. I'm so lazy. The one Home Depot rents is a bit out of my price range, like $150 for half a day. That's a lot of coin just to make two holes a foot deeper.
The price will seem cheap compared to two days on the couch after using an O'O bar
The price will seem cheap compared to two days on the couch after using an O'O bar

Truer words were never spoken...
I once thought it would be a good idea to not use gloves while using the o'o bar. Wrong move!
I was really getting into it, sweating profusely. Even my hands were sweating... Wait, that's not sweat, it's blood!
Tore the palms of my hands up pretty good that time...

You could go with a sledge hammer and chisel, which I've also done in the past.
Slow going, but it's not impossible, and it's cheap if you can do it yourself.
I made a little jig out of scrap lumber to hold the chisel up and save my hands from missing the chisel. That or good luck finding someone who trusts you enough to hold the chisel for you.

"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
Jus use one o'o bar.......Smile
Bought one of these a few years ago - its still with us - and has become popular in the neighborhood

I remember paying more for shipping than the item - and genuflecting as I approached the counter at the post office for pick up......

this is one item they could not break however - Im always amazed at the damage - some times appears intentional - watched a postal employee "drop" my amazon laptop.....with malice in her eye....

another way of saying buy local? - grin

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