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Is he real?????
I have heard read a lot of negative things about this man his name is Allan Yoza. I have seen his listing time to time on C/L. It seems like he tries to help people who has bad or no credit and i read an article about him letting people work off there stay at his noni farm? Does anybody on punatalk know him? is he real? Is his cabins , homes ,land legit? Thank you for your input in this matter.
noni is great for mosquito bites.
A little google makes him sound real:
His incomplete site seems clear although a little reading between the lines might be necessary. The site describes the accommodations as one step above camping. I'm thinking one small step. You give 20 hrs of farm labor (generally hard, dirty, sweaty, back breaking, work) for a place to camp, some food staples you cook (in who knows what passes for a kitchen) and the opportunity to eat what sounds like Hare Krishna food if you attend meditation sessions. It sounds like it may be at least loosely connected to the Hare Krishna movement or something similar. Some 40+ years ago as a starving hippie on Maui I ate some of that Hare Krishna food. It wasn't bad and filled the tummy. I think I'd have to pass on the opportunity.
It sounds real, for what it is.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Allan & I were town rat surfing contemporaries on Oahu in the 60s & 70s, and individually bailed the city for the BI. While on Oahu, he integrated a spiritual foundation for life as a follower of Chris Butler, others included Cathy Hoshijo who was a co-founder of Down to Earth natural foods in Moilili and nearly Governor of HI and Wayne Nishiki nearly Lt. Governor and currently politically active on Maui, among others. Not to be confused with the street chanting panhandling "HK"s, they integrated into their communities as community servants, and Allan chose the path of the "merchant". As such he pretty much started the low down payment Puna property aquisition real estate sales niche to indeed offer those with limited assets a chance to be home owners. The logistics of BI livelihood opportunity however results in a constant turnaround of the properties as many if not most are unable to continue monthly payments. IMO he is a moral and fair businessman, but be advised that he does not tolerate illegal activities and occupancy by defaulters.

Aloha aina, aloha kai
Aloha aina, aloha kai
A quick look at the rules and regulations uncover the following -

No meat, fish or eggs are allowed while you take part in this
program...also, no intoxication of any kind is allowed. This
means drugs, including tobacco, marijuana, caffeine, alcohol,
etc. No growing pot on the land or anywhere else. If you want
to grow, smoke, buy or sell pot, go live somewhere else. No
illicit sex. No gambling.

Maybe this sounds like the place for you, maybe not.
He is a member of the same rabidly homophobic Hare Krishna cult ("Science of Identity") as Mike Gabbard and the Down To Earth folks. Someone had a blog post about being a WWOOFer on his noni farm (and having a terrible experience) but I can't find it anymore; not sure if it's been taken down or just buried in Google's results somewhere.
Kinda like "Uncle Slayton"......

"He sells 'em owner financed

Strictly to them that's got no kind of credit

'Cause he knows they're slackers

When they miss that payment

Then he takes it back *

*Choctah Bingo by James McMurtry

Nothing illegal about preying on the less advantaged. Miss one payment, you're homeless.
So this guy is paying farm labors- rice and unsanitary housing- as wage
From the photos of his farm it doesn't look like a high off the hog operation. Maybe he needs the regular monthly land payments from his real estate sales so he can make his own monthly payments for other things. If he gets an excuse as to why a buyer is late or can't pay this month, that won't pay his bills.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
"The greatest trick the devil ever played, was convincing the world he doesnt exist."

Verbal Kent - "The Usual Suspects"

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