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Home health care question
OK, I am looking for real concrete solutions here, because I am in a very difficult place.

On Saturday I slipped and fell and broke my tibia right below the knee, that is the bone that supports all your weight on that leg. The paramedics got me down our stairs (all 14 of them) and to the hospital where they x-rayed and diagnosed the break, splinted the leg from toes to halfway up my thigh, gave me a prescription for pain and crutches, and sent me home. This is a serious break, and I was frankly surprised they sent me home right away. I remember when my brother just broke 4 toes and he was in the hospital for 3 days.

It took me an incredibly painful hour to scoot up the stairs on my butt, with my husband supporting the broken leg, but once I got to the top I could not get off the floor, so after an hour of trying we had to call the HPP firemen who came and lifted me up. I've pretty much been stuck in bed since, and cannot get into the orthopedic surgeon to get a cast put on and find out if I am going to need surgery until Friday.

The problem is I cannot get out of bed, or on and of the toilet by myself, my husband HAS to work all this week, and I am here alone all day with my 82 year old father who is willing but really can't help me. My doctor's office said call the insurance company, HMSA said talk to your doctor but we probably won't cover help for you anyway, and the county elder and disabled services only deal with long term needs.

I need someone who knows what they are doing who can come in and help me out of bed, on and of the toilet, and maybe help with other personal needs during the middle of the day. Today my husband was gone from 6:30 until 3:30 and that is a long time to be stuck in one position without eating or drinking or taking care of any other bodily functions. If I was going to the Surgeon in a day or so I could probably tough it out, but by Friday afternoon I will have been in this pickle for a week, which is freaking me out a little bit.

Has anyone here had any experience with how home health care works here, and how I can get these simple services from a trustworthy professional for the next few days? I would prefer that my insurance company cover part of the cost, but if they won't, I still need the help.

Mahalo nui loa for any practical suggestions for solutions to my problem.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Carol, you may want to contact either HCC or an old punaweb member, Linda, with Sweetwater Health Ed for CNA references:

If there is anything I can do, just email through the forum or call me (same # as in the grant)

I do hope this eases up for you, as this is a scary thing
Thank you, Carey. I will contact Linda tomorrow. The woman at HMSA really pissed my husband off when she compared my situation to her hiring a dog walker from craigslist, like it is the same thing, NOT!

edited to fix a typo

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Carol, You have my best wishes. We recently went through some broken bone issues in my family. Stay strong. I am going to make some inquiries and will private message you if I come up with anything.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Also found this state listing from a file we had (a few years ago, we prepared for the fact FIL might move here)
14 stairs or 14 paramedics?
Stairs, it took 3 paramedics and a sling.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Sorry for the levity. Doesn't the Family and Medical Leave Act apply here?
No, FMLA does not apply to our situation. I just am looking for a trained, trustworthy professional caregiver for 3 days.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
I am the kind of guy that when I was poor, I would use chicken antibiotics for an infection. In that context, how about getting some casting material and cast yourself, just to immobilize the break, until you can get to the doc?
(note to self)Really, Dude?

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