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A bit late now, sorry, but a new series of Cosmos started Sunday evening on KHON/Fox (9pm HST). I managed to catch the first episode and was actually quite impressed, especially as it makes a change to see a science-based TV show on a network channel these days (other than PBS of course).

The presenter, Neil deGrasse Tyson, did a good job I thought although quite different from Sagan who did the original series (there was a very nice personal touch from Tyson at the end of the show regarding Sagan).

It's on each Sunday evening at 9pm. Thought I'd mention it, especially for the science-minded folk, and it's almost certain to contain a lot of stuff that has been discovered by the observatories on this island. They may not mention that though (they didn't last night!).
What a wonderful program for "new to science thinking" older folks like my husband and I. Just a few years ago, we were sure there was a God and Heaven and that was the end all. And then we studied our way into understanding that it goes way beyond that. Our children are proud of us, lol.
Religion is for those that fear going to hell. Spirituality is for those that have been there.
Thanks Tom. We missed the first one, but will try to catch it next Sunday.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
It is up on Youtube but it's better to watch it on Fox:

Watching it on the site gives it an up vote. It is Hawaii related since so many of these discoveries are coming from Keck. It is a bit bizarre Fox is sponsoring this since Fox News is Teapublican and a primary platform of the Teapublicans is anti-science and anti-education. There does seem to be a divide between Fox News and Fox TV though.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
For those on Dish, it also shows on the National Geographic channel (186) at 4:00 and 6:00pm Monday according to the online listings. I really liked their use of scale as a theme, going from the big, the universe, down to the tiny at the molecular level. An excellent update to the original Cosmos and tribute to Carl Sagan. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a superb narrator and host.
I missed the first show too, so thank you for posting that link. This is what I'm watching tonight!

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Thanks Tom, I forgot this was on. I hope they do give Mauna Kea a mention.

can watch it here in HD
It is Hawaii related since so many of these discoveries are coming from Keck.
I do have to take exception to this statement! There are other observatories on Mauna Kea other than the Keck and they are all making discoveries. And, for example, based on publication rates, UKIRT is currently more scientifically productive than either of the two Keck telescopes. Just want to make sure people are aware it's not just the Kecks.


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