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Green Harvest Future? Alive and well....
Maui Police Chief moving on to "Greener" Pastures:

Federal High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas:

Yes, Hawaii's green pastures still keep the state highlighted as a high intensity drug trafficking area. Meaning, DEA grant money still will fund the choppers. Don't get so mad at the county because these are Federales...DEA....who in all reality, don't have any allegiance to peaceful skies, medicinal programs, or lowest priority for that matter. The first priority is spending the grant money. Federal grants are hard to say no to. And now, Former Maui Chief is hired to run the show. Though not nearly as wacko as the past county green harvest programs, be assured that the bi-annual flyovers will continue in Puna, Ocean View, and South Kona.
Why don't they spend the funds on x ray at the airport for cargo and baggage so the suitcase monkeys don't have to "random check", ripping off jewelry and other stuff outta peoples bags. Leave the small farmer alone. The rest of the mainland is getting pretty lax on the 420 laws, much to the Feds disappointment, as they see it as the modern day moonshine, and want the tax priveledge. Plus there's a lot of old tobacco money in that level of government, and they see it as a threat, unless they are on the bandwagon like Phillip Morris ( rumored has been buying Ca land for future "crop production").

Are you a human being, or a human doing?
Seems the fed priority is eradication and incarceration as opposed to building needed trauma centers in rural locations

Its all about the whackos appropriating the funds - stuff slides downhill like (blank) from there - this is just a reorganization of ranking at the feeding trough - grin
Until cannabis is removed from "Schedule 1" status we can expect marijuana to be lumped together with methamphetamine, heroin, etc...

"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
Don't forget that the "harvesters" turn in the bulk and confiscate the salable buds for their own resale. I have known several people who were busted for pot cultivation who never went to trial because the cops sold the evidence rather than storing it.

A friend of mine who lived on Maui in the 70's, who had long hair and was visibly counterculture, was approached by a Maui police officer asking him if he had contacts to sell the over supply of confiscated weed that was piling up.

Grant money? The real incentive is these people sell drugs -- that other people grow for them.
KathyH, are you ready to back up that statement?

Perhaps a formal complaint to proper channels (at County, State, and Federal levels), complete with evidence of this rather bold accusation, is warranted.

At times you leave me apoplectic. This is one of them.

opihikao, none of the people I know were in Puna. In California and on Maui, it is so well known that it needs no backing up.

I personally had two different acquaintances and landowners in California who were caught with very large growing operations. Both were facing serious jail time. One of them was Basque and did not speak English, but understood English.

One day while he was sitting in jail, he heard one of the higher ups chewing out another officer about his case, telling him to remember to always wait until after the trial to sell the evidence. They thought he could not understand them, but he could. It was only speaking English that challenged him.

Shortly thereafter he was released with all charges dropped, as was his partner.

The other person, I just heard some news about him and asked, why is he not in jail, considering the huge operation he was caught with? Answer, the evidence was never logged. Pounds and pounds of bud, never made it to evidence. He was fined for income tax evasion, but possession and sales totally dropped.

The Maui story, truthful source. This was an East Maui cop, Hana area.

Lodge a complaint, you must be kidding me!

I used to live in Mendocino, which is a bit of a pot-growing center, in fact, marijuana is the lead agricultural crop and force in the economy for the last 30 years.

People there talk, and they know what they have. Many many people have watched the equivalent of Green Harvest work there. It is called CAMP. They go in and pull the plants and carry them away by heli, which all the neighbors see. Then they log all the green waste and bulk as weight, but the buds are taken off and diverted.

There are a lot of people in the world looking to make a buck. It doesn't take a lot of smarts to realize that it's much better to have other people take all the risk, spend the money, do the work -- and then swoop in to reap the benefits. All it takes is lack of scruples.

Apoplectic? Really? I guess you have never been part of the alternative culture where such things are common knowledge.
PS. To understand why this works and has worked for so long, you need to think about the underlying situation.

Enforcement in this area can do what it wants, because -- the people they are stealing from can never never testify against them or complain. They can't complain without admitting guilt of breaking the law.

Grower: hello yes, I want to file a complaint. I grew 40 pounds of prime pakalolo, and it was taken from me with no accounting during a raid. I want these thieves arrested and I want to be compensated for my crop.

Enforcement agency: oh please do fill out a signed complaint stating that you committed a felony. We'll get right on it.
Look, KathyH, I was being facetious. It is Puna (not Maui or mainland) I'm concerned with.

Yes, apoplectic at your comments sometimes. Not the substance or lack thereof.

Disclosure: Some of my ohana is/was/will be part of law enforcement here in our State, and locally in Hawai'i County. There is good and bad in all professions. Internal affairs deals with these kinds of accusations if proven factual. Seen it happen first hand.

Personally, I'd rather the dollars be spent on meth, and the other drugs that entering our schools at the elementary/intermediate level. To bring it back to Puna related topic, recently one of our schools in Puna had kids giving "bigger kids" lunch money for little bags of ice. Our vice department dealt with that swiftly once the pushers were found. Then the revolving door starts due to the criminals having more rights than the victims; Our kids.

With the times a changing around our great nation about medicinal or recreational use of marijuana. Makes me wonder what Puna would look like or be like if Green harvest and our government didn't declare war on Marijuana in Puna (Early 80's)??. Really did millions need to be spent to keep Puna's people down for the last 30 years?. An area like this could have lead or been leading this medicinal movement, Pahoa could have had cannabis shops instead of quick loans? OR maybe this area would be worse off than today, over ran by drugs?. Well you all think about it and chime in on your thoughts or two cents to whether Puna would be better off without the federal government invasion?.
P.S Colorado, California, Washington, ect. all building new schools for their Keiki with money generated by what has been taken away from our community for years now why?.

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