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happy in puna?
I know Puna is home to most of you.I know most of you must love it there.There is alot of sniping and bickering on this forum.This is not only in Puna, there is something to gripe about anywhere.Alot of what I see is healthy venting.I would like to hear what makes it worth the trouble to live there.Something has been drawing me there for some time now,I cant ignore this calling.Just want to hear some of the things you all love about Puna.
Fresh Poke
I love the rainy weather. I love the Ohia. I love my neighbors (well most of them!). I love OrchidLand. I love that I can have livestock, grow my own foods and meats.

I think a better question would be what I don't love about Puna? The only thing I can think of is a lack of soil and that's easily remedied.

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
Less touched by one of the worst parasites in the world. Still very peaceful and quiet during the days if the choppers aren't flying regularly. We are surrounded by the ocean so fishing and water anything is always a blessing. Privacy and the right to live my life a little differently than the Jones's is a little easier to find or be accepted here in Puna. One of the best places to ever come back to, if or when you get island fever and leave for awhile.

Fortunately I grew up here with my parents who were gypsy-hippies who were moving every six months(never owned). This way I lived all over this beautiful island, in fact only a couple schools I did not go to growing up. The big island has almost every weather climate on the planet, so if you aren't happy with your weather here you can simply move a few miles for more preferred weather. Almost anything can or will grow somewhere on this rock even decent grapes for a winery.

Hey Fishinjim thanks for the kind words on other posts or topics. I used to roam those Allegany mountains some especially around Cumberland and Frostburg. Plenty of summer days were spent either out at Deep creek lake or floating the Potomac river, inner-tubes with beer touting and poles working. The way of life out in those parts can be found out here, it's what you make of it. I do miss the Jamboree in the hills out in Cambridge for our small town of Coney would send out over 150 goo-ole-boys and gals every July.

P.s This area is lacking good (HOT WINGS) so Jim if you can pick up some recipe's or sauce secrets we could make it work here.
I do like diversity and puna seems to have alot. Like you gypsy I dont want to live like the jones family.Already met all the jones families here.Whats up whith that stork gypsy hope he aint lost.Dayna always enjoy your posts you seem to have that happy peacefull thoughtfull attitude I strive for.By the way Dayna I am sitting upstairs at my mom and step dads butcher shop where I have helped out off and on for 40 years since grade school, they are retired from the work force and now are winding down the shop.I will be bringing a slew of butchery tools.I would love to see what you do when I get there.Maccu, love me some poke to.nothing fresher or better than catch and cook yourself.Gypsy my cousin makes the best wings ever and he will tell you so.Its one thing he doesnt overstate he even joked about coming over and doing a wing place.he has a web site(Robs roost) check it out.You could say he is confident!thanks everyone for the feedback.I look forward to hearing From some more happy people and meeting you all soon.
Most people are here because they love it here or they thought they would love it here. Most of the complaining is usually related to bad subdivisions (neighbors, dogs, theft, racing, poor roads, no broadband, corrupt association, etc). The subdivision that shall not be named has very few of these problems, and has surpluses on its financial statement, while adding more revenue and recently receiving a government grant to upgrade the aquifer well system. The Hawaii isles are about as good as it gets, something about this aina that rejuvenates and refreshes.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Diversification in people, terrain, climate
Mornings with sun, songs from birds
The rain is warm
Love watching the Ohia and palms swaying in the breeze
Hawaiian music
Tide pools, hot pond
Beautiful Hilo close by
I could go on listing the things I love about the Puna region thing I know that could summarize this is that the list of likes and loves of Puna surpass the dislikes big time! I am leaving this island soon to get married and begin a new life in a new land called Alabama. I hear more dislikes of that state than likes! But, I'm not worried. I'll find good attributes to living there just as I did here. It's really all in the attitude. Look for the good and enjoy.

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
My observation is that most of the snarping is from political differences that have nothing to do with Puna. The same disagreements go on in nearly every forum and they can be a lot less pleasant than they are on Punaweb. Gun ownership, irresponsible pet ownership, noise, road condition out in the boonies...... Happens no matter where you go.

Tourist helicopters, now, that is pretty much a Puna issue. And Coqui frogs.
Its my opinion many of the naysayers do not live on island - just using the web as a bully pulpit, some ***** envy as well imho.

As far as being "happy" - Its an island babe - if you do not bring it - its not here .... I would not move because "being happy" is just the other side of the horizon .....grass always being greener etc

One needs to bring happyness to the island - not take it from the island in my opinion
Originally posted by fishenjim

I do like diversity and puna seems to have alot. Like you gypsy I dont want to live like the jones family.Already met all the jones families here.Whats up whith that stork gypsy hope he aint lost.Dayna always enjoy your posts you seem to have that happy peacefull thoughtfull attitude I strive for.By the way Dayna I am sitting upstairs at my mom and step dads butcher shop where I have helped out off and on for 40 years since grade school, they are retired from the work force and now are winding down the shop.I will be bringing a slew of butchery tools.I would love to see what you do when I get there.Maccu, love me some poke to.nothing fresher or better than catch and cook yourself.Gypsy my cousin makes the best wings ever and he will tell you so.Its one thing he doesnt overstate he even joked about coming over and doing a wing place.he has a web site(Robs roost) check it out.You could say he is confident!thanks everyone for the feedback.I look forward to hearing From some more happy people and meeting you all soon.

I always welcome folks on butchering day! Well, frankly people who know me know I welcome the opportunity to show off the farm almost any day. Smile I'm really proud of the life we've worked so hard to build being fruitful. Planning and educating yourself on livestock and butchering goes a long way.

Let me know when you're here and we'll have you over. Smile

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management

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