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HACA Special Election
Although I understand there is a serious and realistic need for a HARC revision, what I don't understand is why this is happening at this particular time. Who in the world would want a seat on HACA with an impending law suit and looming receivership.
With both HACA and HARC involved in legal issues any new board members will be sucked down the same hole. Certainly dos not make much sense to me right now.
None the less......think I will stay the course with HACA as at least I know what to expect. Receivership should resolve all standing issues that exist with these boards.
Any thoughts ?
out with the old in with the new..the system needs a complete overhaul ,all new rules ,by-laws, acountability,transparancy,and the voice of the land owners ,everyone else get out,....just my .02
The meeting was originally requested to "conduct HACA business by the members" not necessarily remove board members.

Lots of mis-information spreading.

The basis for the special meeting was the unwillingness to provide memberlists, audits.
2bad4u,,,,,, its douchebags like you ,,spreading hate and disinformation,,,, that makes the acres hard to live in,,,why don't you mind your own business ! niele nosy hateful person .... your little lot gives you only the smallest reason to even be heard,,because of the mean and hateful things you say and do makes everyone hate you,,, always spreading hate and mutiny among the good residents,,, shame shame on you
I want to say up front that I love the acres ,, every stretch of bad road ,,, I stop and constantly pick up the trash that mysteriously shows up on the roads ,, I personally fix and repair the potholes within reason ,, I take the initiative to clean and maintain the corner of my road . I LOVE THE ACRES

when I was a young adult ,, there was a sitcom called bewitched ,, in it was a lady named Gladys kravitz ,, she was the neighborhood nosy busy body ,, always causing trouble where none existed before,, snooping into everyone's business and always making life hard and unhappy for everyone in her neighborhood !

now I see first hand what it must have been like for the neighbors unlucky enough to be within the reach of that long nose ,,I worked very hard and many long years to be able to come here ,, the place in all the world I wanted most to retire and grow old ,, the place I fell in love with in 1970 when I traveled here in the service of my country,, the place I hoped id be lucky enough to die peacefully in my bed ,, iv been blessed by the good LORD and given what I loved ,,I thank GOD for this blessing and iv done all I can to keep this place as clean and pretty as I can.

yet ,, the old saying from my grandmother would often quote ,( no good deed goes unpunished ), haunts me here for many years,, our own Gladys kravitz ,, we all know her ,, we have all had to tolerate her and listen to her vile and despicable ranting and pot stirring ,, making her own miserable and demeaning existence a foul odor that wafts thru on what used to be such sweet pleasant breezes !

I would ask her to just go away ,, move to a place where the people would value her as a village elder ! and benefit from her extensive years of experience in life by emulating her as she deserves and making their own lives in the manner she would have them live. a few locations come to mind,, Sudan ,, Ethiopia ,,Afghanistan ,, just to name a few places that would greatly benefit from the presence of such a sage and outspoken woman ,, !

PLEASE just leave me and my neighbors in peace ,, the way it was before she moved into our paradise ! it changed the day GLADYS KRAVITZ moved into the house on the corner ,, and it has been dismal and stinky ever since ,, always having the odor of hate and derision along with rumors of donkey porn and and weird cult like goings on ,, rumors and eyewitness accounts of animal sacrifice and GLADYS KRAVITZ ,, dancing around a fire naked chanting in a strange language ,,

speaking of god , love and peace in one statement and in the next spitting out vile outrageous nasty comments along with lots of hate .
also seem to harbor some hatred specially for women, . from the tone and context of your rant , it appears as though you have serious issues and might be your own worst enemy and neighbor . get some help .
Kapohocat...........I am not trying to spread mis- information. The reason I posted this topic is that I received a ballot from HACA. It isnotification there will be a special meeting. included is a proxy form. It clearly states that there will be a vote taken on July 20, 2014 at a special meeting to " approve the removal of one are more Board members". I believe there is a notice posted at the center as well.
Oh,.... and thank you GP33
to insinuate that new members of the board will somehow be liable for the wrongdoings of previous members is to make a mockery of the law. this is fear mongering. Further more there is a vast difference between the inference of inefficiency and self service and even cover-up, and the accusations of gross embezzlement and conspiracy. one is something we are all capable of. the other are criminal offenses that would require evidence of corruption that as far as i am aware simply does not exist. I am looking forward to the meeting and applaud all those with the courage to try to make positive change. i am hoping against hope that receivership is indeed the result of any court action that goes the course. the receivership of the people that brought the case!
just to be fair though - does it automatically mean in american law that if someone sues you, you HAVE to sue them back? can't you just defend a lawsuit without a countersuit?

Just the facts; I agree.

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