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To Kill Or Not To Kill ?
This is the Question, Do you think it is okay to shoot a rooster down from a tree to his death just because he crows and you cant stand it??? Keep in mind that this is what he was put on earth to do. Also keep in mind that people are arrested all the time for COCK fighting.

Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!
It's always interesting to see other viewpoints. When I read about the rooster, my first thought was about the rooster's owner, and how he was going to react.

As to the Rooster's Rights issue:
I have no trouble swatting a mosquito. Killing a person is clearly wrong, even if he does crow all night. Roosters fall somewhere in between.

Having lived next to a crazy rooster (every 10 seconds. I timed him. Repeatedly.), I can understand the desire to make it stop.

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>
I don't see what
the big deal is myself... Maybe I'm more in tuned to nature. Roosters, frogs, Crickets.. Night marchers..
Etc... Don't register in my range of hearing... Its just background noise.. If you want total silence, go live on the moon.

I could not agree with you more! For goodness sake we live in one of the most loveliest places in the world, there should be no gripes against a rooster.
Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!
One thing you'd better consider is that if you shoot a chicken with an actual bullet, that bullet will pass right through it, and in essence you will have fired a shot into the air, which is dangerous for anyone within a mile or so.

If you're really having trouble with noise, and believe me I live in a very noisy neighborhood, here's what you do: Go to Walmart, go into the sports section, go into the swimming section, buy silicon swimmers earplugs. Wear them at night. You won't hear a thing.

Well said.

I second that!!

Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!
Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!
What a load of crap! Bunch of Hare Krishnas posting on this thread. Must not hurt a fly... How many of you BS artists eat meat??? There are roosters out there who CROW ALL DAY LONG! Am I supposed to wear earplugs all day long? Seriously, do not act like we are talking about a Nene here, this is a rooster - not exactly on the endangered species list.

You must not judge people you don't know! I eat meat, I just don't think its cool to shoot a rooster. Especially if your not going to eat it. Dogs bark and make noise all day long too so would you justify shooting them too or would you just put up with it and wear the ear plugs? I think not.
Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!
Why must it be shot down? Some of us live in neighborhoods where roosters are not allowed and yet they still find their way in, which is exactly what happened to me. I live in a neighborhood where roosters are not allowed. However, some people don't follow the rules and have them anyway. There are wild chickens and roosters around, or in the case of my crappy neighbors, they left them behind when they moved out. One of these roosters wandered onto my property and took roost in a tree. I found his tree, put up a ladder when he roosted for the night, threw a towel over him, and put him in a crate. Next day, I took him to the humane society. I don't see how that is controversial. I think I did the most humane thing possible imo.

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