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Anyone with a shingle roof?
Sorry Rob, I know this should be in Building but want to reach the most readers. I need a shingle roof repair & would like a referral from a satisfied customer. The people I've called only do metal roofs. Thanks for any help.
I don't have an answer for you but your question sparked another question I hope someone else can answer:

Why does it seem like most of the asphalt shingle roofs are close to the ocean whereas uphill most roofs are iron?

Is it because more mainlanders live near the water and are just more familiar with asphalt roofs or is there some sort of negative chemical reaction between iron roofs and the salty air?
From what I've seen in HPP, those with asphalt shingles have water from wells. I wouldn't want to drink water from an asphalt roof.

Royall has it... the CTAHR Catchment booklet advises against roofing materials that can have asbestos and asphalt, both of which shingles MAY have:

Shingle roof repair is normally not that complicated (having totally replaced shingle roofs on the last 2 houses...), but how high & steep the roof is could be as much of a reason to say 'nevamind' as the material...

Anyhoo, both HPM & HD have lists of contractors...I am fairly sure they might have one or two that has shingling exp.
The Hale at Makuu Market (on the Pahoa side from where the market actually happens) have shingle roofs.
my roof is shingles. It's pretty easy to repair a roof yourself. I got about 3/4 pack of extra shingles in case a shingle is blown off... More than often a shingle is torn or water is leaking through a nail hole and can be fixed with Henry's roofing patch, that black tar stuff.

I can't believe that people who do metal roofs can't figure out how to do composite. I am on private water so I choose to go with 50 year architectural shingles. We'll see how long they hold out!

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Henry's is the best. I used to work in a shop that repaired trucks, trailers, etc near Seattle. Freight trailers full of freight, roof leaks, and Seattle rain don't mix well. Henry's was the only stuff you could actually apply to a wet, still being rained on, trailer roof with puddles on, and have a decent chance of fixing the leak. Home Depot usually has it in stock.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP

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