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Not as tough as I seem
While replacing a standard outlet with a GFCI, only to unscrew and pull it out to see a giant centipede in there. I screamed like a woman. That is all. [Big Grin]

I doubt many are tough enough to not get the heebie-jeebies when you suddenly encounter one of those unannounced!

Esp. when playing around in an electrical outlet...

The joys of living in paradise, no?
LMAO! (Sorry, laughing & screaming with you)

OMG, I don't know why those things were created. Burn it, chop it's head off, smash it, send it back where it came from! Oh, and most of all, don't forget:

they supposedly travel in PAIRS!!! [:0]

Was it red or blue? Just curious. Ugh!
I've seen just one centipede, and it was found outside and was dead. But, it was very large, and more like a "meaty" animal than an insect. I've heard they will come right at you. I've also heard they are more prevalent in slab houses than post an pier. Our is the later.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
The little tiny ones with blue feet are the most poisonous. They are pretty good at hiding in shoes and such too. The big red ones are much more assertive, I've had them rear up and run at me!


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
I have been here a year and I have never seen one. Are they in all parts of Puna or just certain areas?
I woke up one night to a sound similar to "cards in the spokes of a bicycle". It would go for a few seconds and then stop for a few. I turned the light on and looked everywhere for the source of the noise.

Eventually I traced the sound to the ceiling fan. There was a HUGE centipede on the motor trying to get down through the spinning blades of the fan.


I had to stop for a few minutes and think up a strategy. I was worried he was going to go flying off the blades to god knows where.

I got a ladder and a can of bug spray, switched off the fan and nailed that guy. He retreated into the motor and I haven't seen him since.

They're Evil.
He was Red, and lucky for me, must have crawled into the socket and got electrocuted. He was about the length of my hand.

I guess maybe the warmth of electrical was his downfall.

But if you ever get a chance to see a flock of chickens deal "flock justice" to one of those things you'll be out getting a flock as fast as you can. Smile My girls LOVE those things and I've not seen one in a while.

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
Wow, you guys FREAK me out and CRACK me up at the same time! Laughing while getting the heebie jeebies. When I do my electrical (remodeling diff parts of the house) I seal up the electrical boxes where the wires come in with that orange foam (orange is the fire rated version). For the front of the box where the face plate attaches a thin bead of clear silicon works. Easy to do and relatively cheap as you don't need much: 1 can of the foam should do most of your outlets.

Of course that is here on the mainland and I know things are done differently over there, so worries if this doesn't fly there.

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