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Frank Commandador, FAA. rescindes Hunt endorsement
On Aug 1, Mr. Commandador, Board of Directors for Fern Acres Association, rescinded his endorsement of Tiffany Edwards Hunt following the articles in the Tribune Herald outlining the property tax exemption Ms. Hunt allegedly took inappropriately. This was coupled with an article of the Super PAC money and training given to several Big Island candidates including Ms. Hunt.

Aloha Fern Acres Community Association,

Recently we have had many heated discussions regarding issues concerning our different political views. It seems I may have started this and would like to end it now.

I erred in using this community yahoo group to endorse Hawaii County Council candidate Tiffany Edwards Hunt. I rescind this endorsement and pledge not to use this forum again for political endorsements and or for voicing my opinions for or against a political candidate.

As we all have been reading neighbors are turning against neighbors because of our different political belief and or candidate preference.

I firmly believe this forum was meant to be used to inform our community of issues and concerns relevant to our growing community and should remain a method of communicating with each other for that purpose.

We will be discussing new rules of order for this forum going forward at our next FACA Board of Directors meeting on August 16, 2014 at 9 AM at our community center.

Please come and join us to voice your opinions.
Frank Commendador

What a BIG man. It takes a lot of guts to say what he just said.
Another shoe drops. Just found out that for about 6 years, Jeff and Tiffany, have both been taking home owners exemptions on each one of their homes. It is just another layer of deception and cheating. Great role model, Tiffany will make, for the future generation.

Here is the link:‌avascript:insertsmilie('[8D]')
Now I see why Tiffany claimed she lived in the Hilo house instead of the one in Hawaiian Acres. A one bedroom, 1 bath, 480sf house with 2 adults and 2 children? Although... bing maps seems to show something much larger than that?
Good job Frank.
Talk about wagging the dog! His statement doesn't mention rescinding the endorsement for her tax issues.

Have someone read it to you;

He is rescinding all/any endorsements for the trouble they stir up pitting neighbor against neighbor. Gee, I wonder who he's really referring to? (Please turn finger towards face, now)

Well, if Tiffany loses a vote over this, it's not like RJ has gained one(even though that would be a huge boost to her percentage)

You crack me up Sativa. As a humorless zealot you probably don't find it funny, but I swear when I read your topic, I thought Tiff had lost an endorsement from the Federal Aviation Administration. Ha Ha, Ha my stitches are coming out, please stop![Big Grin]
"I thought Tiff had lost an endorsement from the Federal Aviation Administration"

I have to admit I thought exactly the same thing. It's the only reason I read this thread, it was too bizarre to believe. Wish I hadn't now.
Wow! With all the sputtering anger over the roast, You'd think they'd stop coming up with fresh material!

Maybe we'll see a headline like;

UN endorses RJ!

(Uncouth Nudist)
Enough is enough how many topics by the same people are there going to be to bash Tiffany Hunt lets keep it on one it gets old. Is there any thing positive out there about other candidates?

Pelelani - Sorry, you got it wrong -

Here is the text from the Fern Acres website by Frank Commandador . . .

"I erred in using this community yahoo group to endorse Hawaii County Council candidate Tiffany Edwards Hunt. I rescind this endorsement and pledge not to use this forum again for political endorsements and or for voicing my opinions for or against a political candidate."

In reading the entire text of this post, it was unclear to me what he meant by this statement so I called him on the telephone and he told me that he merely withdrew his posting wherein he endorsed Tiffany Edwards Hunt. He did not withdraw or rescind his support of Tiffany Edwards-Hunt.

A simple phone call cleared it up - too bad Pelelani didn't bother doing the same thing. Now I'm wondering what else Pelelani got wrong on all those other voluminous postings.

Love, Marge


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