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Meeting and Petition for Pesky Helicopters
The Citizens Against Overflights Association (CAOA)is having a public informational meeting on Oct.14,2007,Sunday at 2p.m.It will be at the Mountain View Gym.There will be an informational speaker and a petition to sign.Please come,this is important to all of us.You would be amazed at what we have discovered.For,example:In 2004 there were 24,500 air tours just over Volcano National Park alone.Our National Parks need to be preserved.No wonder the Hawaiian hawk and nene are having trouble,not to mention it devalues park enjoyment.Even more disturbing is the fact,that in the last two years in the State of Hawaii,there have been 26 aircraft incidents ,including 15 deaths.Also,there are at least 9 operators of air tours,but only two aviation maintenance companies.To change speeds,there will also be the Pres.of the Sierra Club at the meeting.They are one of our endorsers.If you want a petition or other info,please contact the CAOA at:
or call (808)968-7277 Whether you live in Hawaii or not......PLEASE
Come make a difference,and be a part of the solution.

Edited by - thunderfoot on 09/29/2007 17:21:14
Just my humble opinion but I am not bothered by the over flight of tour helicopters. I live in Ainaloa and they do fly over our general area but they are high enough that you hardly notice them. They do offer a glimpse of Hawaii not available by other means. Are you against fixed wing aircraft too?

Edited by - Lee G on 09/29/2007 19:40:47
The Citizens Against Overflights Association (CAOA)is having a public informational meeting on Oct.14,2007,Sunday at 2p.m.It will be at the Mountain View Gym.There will be an informational speaker and a petition to sign.Please come,this is important to all of us.You would be amazed at what we have discovered.For,example:In 2004 there were 24,500 air tours just over Volcano National Park alone.Our National Parks need to be preserved.No wonder the Hawaiian hawk and nene are having trouble,not to mention it devalues park enjoyment.Even more disturbing is the fact,that in the last two years in the State of Hawaii,there have been 26 aircraft incidents ,including 15 deaths.Also,there are at least 9 operators of air tours,but only two aviation maintenance companies.To change speeds,there will also be the Pres.of the Sierra Club at the meeting.They are one of our endorsers.If you want a petition or other info,please contact the CAOA at:
or call (808)968-7277 Whether you live in Hawaii or not......PLEASE
Come make a difference,and be a part of the solution.
Edited by - thunderfoot on 09/29/2007 17:21:14

My gut is telling me that you either have your own hidden agenda or that you are a sheep, following the SIERRA CLUB flock.

In either case, I won't support you.

"What? Me Worry?" - Alfred E. Nueman
"Vote with your money!"
sorry you guys feel that way.I have been nearly killed by my horses when they come so low.Also,we did this on our own and asked Sierra Clud to endorse us.I had no idea that people are upset at them.for what? I have a lot of trouble with these overfligths,so do my neighbors.

sorry you guys feel that way.My son and I have been nearly killed by my horses when they come so low.Also,we did this on our own and asked Sierra Clud to endorse us.I had no idea that people are upset at them.for what? What is sad is that it seems people want to think you have hidden agendas,and assume stuff and are closed minded before finding out all the facts.I have a lot of trouble with these overfligths,so do my neighbors.I have livestock ,including buffalo,I guess there is my hidden agenda.Lighten up,altruism still does exist

sorry you guys feel that way.My son and I have been nearly killed by my horses when they come so low.Also,we did this on our own and asked Sierra Clud to endorse us.I had no idea that people are upset at them.for what? What is sad is that it seems people want to think you have hidden agendas,and assume stuff and are closed minded before finding out all the facts.I have a lot of trouble with these overfligths,so do my neighbors.I have livestock ,including buffalo,I guess there is my hidden agenda.Lighten up,altruism still does exist

just a thought,but do you interest in an air tour compnay?

opps.sorry for the quote mess.I have trying to figure out how to edit after posting a message,and I am passionate about what I beleive in.The last question was to the skeptic and it was suppose to ask if he owned interets in an air tour company?

I have no vested interest in the air tours but I do work at Hilo airport. You may be surprised to know that there are people who come from as far as Europe just to see the volcano and what better way to see it? Also many mainland visitors who are staying in the outer islands come here for a day trip just to see the volcano. The ones I see flying over my neighborhood seem to be at 1,000 - 2,000 elevation.

On an average day....
I get anywhere from 20 to 30 flyovers...
Its starts at 755am everyday and does not slow down untill late afternoon.

If it so important for the tour companys to show tourist's the volcano...
Maybe they should respect the community they are flying over and annoying...
Why must they fly directly over nieghborhoods?
Seems like the tourist would like to see the coastline, instead of my yard!

Just my 2 cents Smile

Edited by - Big_Island on 09/30/2007 06:42:18
years ago there was a helicopter company offering tours over the park from near the volcano golf course, and some in the community were very put out about it. a group, citizens against noise, was started by barry stokes, that was eventually successful in get them to go away. you may want to find and contact barry to get whatever information that you can that might help in your efforts... good luck!


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