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coqui cats
coqui started on my property about a year ago on one side of my property. Now, I am surrounded. I keep thinking someday soon, I'm going to have to start spraying. But a stray cat came to me about 2 yrs. ago, and due to my leaving things alone, today, I have what looks like about a clan of 10 cats in about 6 generations. I have noticed they love catching and eating geckos, chameleons, and such. I never spray, yet notice the coquis don't come within 100 ft. of my house even though I have some bush coming right up to my walls. It seems the cats have grown to love to hunt and eat coqui. Especially since I don't feed them after 12 noon. By coqui time, they are starving, and look out coqui!

Hey Kenkudo,

I posted a question here about cats eating cogui. I too have several ferril and house cats that are pretty good about taking out outdoor pest. There was absolutly no response.. Kinda the cyber equivelent of people just looking at me like I was crazy. I thought it was valid question. Do cats eat coqui?

Anyway, I live in the country and have water near by so when I walk out on the porch at night it's not quite, crickets, frogs and all kinds of other night noises fill the air. After hearing the sound of the dreaded coqui online I'm not that freaked out about them, granted that may change. Like crickets I wouldn't want one right outside my open window at night but I'm sure my cats wouldn't either.

Good luck with the coqui hunting cats. If you notice any of them that really stand out in the coqui hunting field maybe you could breed them and sell them as natural remedy for coqui.


"Sometimes your the bug and sometimes your the windshield"

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

My cat Shadow hunts Coqui and sometimes kills them, sometime release them in my patio area
where I can get them.


"Yearn to understand first and to be understood second."
-- Beca Lewis Allen
Richard and Mark..... because of your lack of planning, Shadow will not be producing Coqui-killing-finding offspring. Many of us soon-to-be Punatics would probably have taken the never-to-be offspring, your aforementioned grandkids.
You know I'm kidding. You can borrow our grand kids anytime you like...Smile

Six generations of feral cats that kill geckos? Kenkudo, not sure this is a solution. Next year you will have how many cats to feed breakfast?

Dave M, now you know I wasn't ignoring the Coqui cat idea. I liked it quite a lot actually. However you know how I get riled up talking cat story and how I go on and on boring everyone. So I was in zen moments when you posted the coqui cat killers synopsis! Thanks late er!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

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