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what do you guys like to do in the mornin?
What does everyone here like to do in the morning?

I like to get up at dawn,or close thereafter.(I won't provide sound effects of moaning from aged bones,LOL) then I sing a little song that I do every mornin,and feed all the animals.Then I like to sit down,providing there are no emergencies, to a nice fresh cup of coffee and get ready for my day.

Live each day to its fullest and try to spread some of the enthusiasm .
Hope each new day is more enlightening and fruitful than the one before.Have a good one.........

Edited by - thunderfoot on 10/06/2007 12:30:30
It depends. Is it raining? SmileSmileSmile

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

Oh, funny John. Yes, most guys do like to do that upon rising, but when in Hawai'i, here is what I like to do.

When there, I am on "California time" and so I am usually awake before dawn. I try and sleep until about half an hour before sunrise. Then I put some spoonsful of Kona coffee in the coffemaker. I lay on the floor and do some mild stretching exercises. I fling open the French doors and I await the sunrise, coffee in hand. It is different every single day. Sometimes it is subdued, hidden behind a distant bank of clouds. Sometimes it is brilliant, as only a tropical sun can be. No matter what the sun is "wearing" that day, I am always glad to see it, and regard each viewing as a privilege.

cute,you guys.I meant guys in a general term.And most women like it too,and it doesn't have to be raining or morning,LOL
I couldn't resist.I enjoyed reading the posts.
On another note,I do love good heavy philosophical conversations.Liked your words ,Glen, about each day being a privelege. ditto

As far as rain ,in the literal meaning,no matter,it is a blessing and more.

Edited by - thunderfoot on 10/06/2007 12:29:50
One word: BREAKFAST!!!!!!

I usually start by checking my email, then have a cup of coffee, breakfast and dread going to work. Of course the dreading work will stop in about 2 weeks, once we're on the plane to Hilo!

"How do you know i am mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the cat "or you wouldnt have come here."
When I was in HPP last week, I got up before dawn (5 hour time difference), ate breakfast of papaya, rambutan, longan and banana and headed over to our house to chop down or slash cut albezias, waiwii, etc., and treat with triclopyr (Garlon) for a couple hours. The slashed/herbicided albezias were already showing mostly yellow leaves a week later. Hopefully they are defunct.

Baton Rouge, LA & HPP
Finally in HPP
I get up at 4:00 am and make a pot of coffee
and sit on the lanai and enjoy the new day!

It doesn't seem to matter where in the world I am, I usually wake up with the sun rising. In CA, I have coffee and watch the news, on the BI, it's coffee and enjoy watching and hearing the beauty of the Island. Wish I could hear the ocean on our

"From knowledge comes understanding"

Edited by - Ed Smay on 10/07/2007 06:22:50

Edited by - Ed Smay on 10/07/2007 06:23:42
"From knowledge comes understanding"
Wake up at the crack of dawn not from the sunlight...but from my cat who plants himself on my chest and takes one paw and ever so lightly touches the side of my face. I then get up and feed the cat, make a nice hot cup of tea and some toast with homemade jelly, walk out onto the deck and see what the day looks like and then proceed to read the newspaper or a good book until about 9am. Then I'm off in my SUV exploring the island backroads and beaches.


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