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Hawaii Life - Puna buyers...
Seems like a Puna kinda day! First a newspaper travel article about the East side and Puna, then I was watching Hawaii Life tonight about home buyers in....., you guessed it, Puna!

Now before I get into what they looked at and decided to buy (Spoiler Alert!), let me say it drives me nuts that the majority of people they show buying a house couldn't possibly afford to buy in the range they're looking with their stated job. Seriously, the last couple shows had 1) a youth pastor, his stay at home wife and 5 kids buying in the range of $600,00 (on Oahu), 2) an Army officer and his wife with a budget of $700,00, etc... Nope. No way, no how. But I watch anyway because I like to see the different islands and the houses that are available. Ok, moving on...

This couple, a chef and a yoga instructor, were looking in Puna. The agent showed them 2 houses in HPP and one in Seaview. The houses in HPP were on 8th and 9th. They referred to the house on 8th as the "round house". There was some additional footage showing the area and the couple shopping at a farmers market, then at the end they were grilling fish by the ocean. It looked really nice.

So, what house did they buy? The house on 9th in HPP. That is, if it really happened. Either way, it was nice to see some of the houses, neighborhoods and surrounding areas. If you get HGTV or can stream it enjoy the show!

Here's the link but you can't watch the episode online yet:
I guess they passed on oneself...


The woman teaches yoga in her h.ouse in HPP.
They bought on 9th.

Originally posted by HI_Someday

Seems like a Puna kinda day! First a newspaper travel article about the East side and Puna, then I was watching Hawaii Life tonight about home buyers in....., you guessed it, Puna!

Now before I get into what they looked at and decided to buy (Spoiler Alert!), let me say it drives me nuts that the majority of people they show buying a house couldn't possibly afford to buy in the range they're looking with their stated job. Seriously, the last couple shows had 1) a youth pastor, his stay at home wife and 5 kids buying in the range of $600,00 (on Oahu), 2) an Army officer and his wife with a budget of $700,00, etc... Nope. No way, no how. But I watch anyway because I like to see the different islands and the houses that are available. Ok, moving on...

This couple, a chef and a yoga instructor, were looking in Puna. The agent showed them 2 houses in HPP and one in Seaview. The houses in HPP were on 8th and 9th. They referred to the house on 8th as the "round house". There was some additional footage showing the area and the couple shopping at a farmers market, then at the end they were grilling fish by the ocean. It looked really nice.

So, what house did they buy? The house on 9th in HPP. That is, if it really happened. Either way, it was nice to see some of the houses, neighborhoods and surrounding areas. If you get HGTV or can stream it enjoy the show!

The Pastor. Its quite possible that he was sent to Oahu by a large, rich church (to save souls) and was told what budget said church could afford. I believe he did say something about being sent over from the mainland. He is surly not on his own and trying to set up his own church.

The military officer. None of the Hawaii Life shows tell us how much the buyers are putting down, nor are we told how much the people can afford as far as their monthly payment goes. Maybe they have been saving like crazy and have $200K or $300K to put down. Maybe they sold their home in southern California for $500K. In this guy's case we are not told his rank. After 20 or more years in the military, one can make a decent salary as long as you keep getting promoted.

Don't get me wrong. I'm certain the show is fake, but I think the price range that the people want to see is accurate.

Its fake in that the buyers have ALREADY bought a home from Hawaii Life and they are pretending to look at 2 other houses. The process of actually buying a home can take months. The way the program has it, the people decide on a home and just move right in.

-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".
-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".
The woman teaches yoga in her h.ouse in HPP.

I would pay good money to see a show about getting an SUP...
PT - I realize that "reality TV" is anything but reality and there isn't much of it that I can watch, but I do enjoy watching that show because I get to see what the houses and various areas of the state are like.

I approach watching those types of show as I do other types, like NCIS: I know it's all scripted, produced and directed but that doesn't mean it can't be enjoyable. Although there are times when events are so outside of plausibility that it incites comments, as I did above with the income vs. budget examples. Cagary gave some plausible reasons for those, and while I agree some buyers are in that category (hoping I will be one day), I think a lot if it is manufactured and the producers are using the show as a vehicle to promote the Hawaii Life real estate business so they show specific houses to meet that goal.

But again, I watch because I'll take any opportunity to see the sites of Hawaii!
Tried to watch those episodes, but our cable was messed up for that channel. Uggghhh
Puna: Our roosters crow first
My neighbor is the real estate agent featured in the Puna episode that you are discussing. I have purchased two properties through him. He is an honest, hard working guy. He told me about the Hawaii Life episode when he shot it back in early May... before the June 27th Lava Flow. The show is NOT fake, but several portions are staged. The yoga couple in the Puna episode were really his clients and he showed them about 20 houses. When they agreed to do the show, Evan had to get two of the 20 sellers to agree to sign a waiver and let a TV crew shoot for many hours. He said that part wasn't easy. When the episode was finished being filmed, their offer on that 9th Street house was finally accepted, so escrow was just opening. If you guys really watch Hawaii Life, you will notice that about 40% of the time, there is an UPDATE at the end where they say the couple wasn't able to secure that house, and are either still looking, or found another one. This is because the show is not faked and sometimes offers are not accepted, or escrow doesn't close. The show House Hunters does require their people to be in escrow before they will shoot any footage. Hawaii Life doesn't work that way.
KaloliJim - thanks for an "insiders" view. I enjoy the show regardless but it's good to hear some of the production details and know, that in this case, the show is more real than not. Also, my comments were not meant to disparage the real estate agents themselves. I have a friend in the business here and know it is not an easy job. Feast or famine.

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