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Problems at Punaweb
It seems one of the reasons that a lot of people only read versus write things here at the Punaweb,is that a certain group of immature boys will either hijack your topic,make rude comments or subtle insults.This website is for people to talk about what they want.If they want to be serious let them.If you want to joke around make a thread for that purpose.It seems monitoring of this site is not working.Some people need to be repremanded;and even perhaps disallowed to participate if they can not behave.This website is for everyone to feel comfortable to speak their mind without backlash.I am sure one of the boys will be the first to respond to this thread.Punaweb is a good site and provides this wonderful platform to get out news,happs,events,or whatever, let's respect this website and others in it.

so much....and so little time
so much....and so little time
I have been a member here since the beginning and I am a member at several other forums, but this is the most civilized of them all. If you think this is bad than you have not seen anything yet.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

I am sure you are right,but that does not dismiss the unacceptible behavior.People are afraid to talk in here.This seemes sad and unfair.It makes me want to quit,which I am sure would make those boys happy.

so much....and so little time
so much....and so little time

"The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." ~Benjamin Franklin
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

It seems monitoring of this site is not working.

It seems to work quite well. Rob has a hands off type of management that allows for some freedom. I have not always agreed with some of his rulings, and he has yelled at me, but it's his forum, period.
Some people need to be repremanded;and even perhaps disallowed to participate if they can not behave.

By whos standards? IMHO, I think he lets some people get on and stay on their high horse too long. I think he allows criticism and insults to religion too frequently. But again it's his forum and I respect that, even if he yells at me on occasion.

This website is for everyone to feel comfortable to speak their mind without backlash.

That works both ways. I have on several occasions given my humble honest opinion, and was immediately insulted. Upon trying to clarify my opinion, the insult continued. I was given no respect. Shortly thereafter my beliefs were attacked and belittled and for no obvious reason. I didn't get mad. I didn't lash out.
I think some people need to lighten up a lot. If you don't want one of haoleboy's beers, maybe a fatty will help. Also, remember that bringing a little humor to a serious topic does not diminish the seriousness of the topic. It makes it easier to talk about and deal with. If my house is burning down, I'm going to be cursing and bitching but when not cursing and bitching I would be cracking dry jokes to lighten the tragic situation.
The bottom line is that it's Robs forum and I won't be so bold as to tell him how to run it, although sometimes I would like to give him my two cents worth.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
People are afraid to talk in here.This seemes sad and unfair.

Who is afraid to talk. I'm afraid to talk as I'm afraid I will be ridiculed for my beliefs. From your perspective, you seem to imply that people are afraid to talk as someone may express a differing view to your/their solicited input. It seemed you had an excellent free resource for your current cause and you drove it away. I too was sympathetic to the cause but have been dissuaded to participate just through observation. Lighten up!

Of course all of the above rambling is contingent on Rob's approval and subject to summary deletion. But I'm ok with that.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
I find it very interesting that as long as Punaweb is providing you positive feedback your ecstatic, but the moment you receive a few negative responses , suddenly Punaweb is a problem.

How exactly does that work?

Anyone who has ever posted here has taken a bruising from one time to another.Have you been involved in other boards/blogs/forums ?

Perhaps you could begin your own site ? I believe Aaron S. offered to assist a member in regards to starting a blog of their own previously.

With your own site you wouldn't have to listen to opposing views.

The world of blogging can be rough and tumble, even vicious, but this is one of the most well-behaved forums you will find. Seriously. I respect Rob, our moderator, because he allows a diversity of opinion and only intervenes in cases of outright or gratuitous abuse. Those with less than politically correct points of view (by Puna standards) have an important place here. Think how boring it would be without the diversity and biting humor. I even got criticized for my closing "cheers," but I didn't take it personally. Some people just have different tastes, that's all.


For my part most of the time Punaweb is something I am proud of and I hope is a contribution to Puna's sense of community. When it isn't I get to play hall monitor at an elementary school and that is not my favorite thing to do.

I would simply prefer it if everyone was reasonably respectful of other people's ideas and intentions. I don't think it is too much to ask and it might even involve more than one person here resisting the temptation be the center of attention for their little minute.

I try to operate this site as light handed as I can and remember that Punaweb's primary intention is to let Puna define itself rather than be defined by others.

I guess I need to find a more specific list of forum rules, or netiquette, to instruct the uninformed. To start with I don't like people hijacking topics, I don't like people disrespecting or demeaning other's postings and opinions.

It's getting late this evening. More later.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Oh snap...

...I’ll never be a bloody blogger. News-at-ten was grrreat!
My parents? the epitome of kindness. I don’t hate
my boss, my life, the neighbors' kids. I really can’t complain
‘bout anything except this boring often-heard refrain:

We the walking wounded want wespect. Oh yes we do!
And we will make life mizwable fo anybody who
fails to ooooh and ahhhh each time we cast a nawwow line.
We demand the wight to whimpa, bellyache, and whine
constantly, consistently, ad nauseum, and then
about the time you've had enough, we wam it home again.
The hopelessness, the helplessness, the swim, the leap, chagwin,
the flailing on the wivvahbank -- god's wejects. Take us in.
We the walking wounded, listless though we ahh,
insist on kidlove tweatment. Feathas minus tahh.


Edited by - malolo on 11/05/2007 23:36:23

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