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Are dog scratches dangerous?

I got this knarly sratch on left forearm from my Pit Bull. As we were leaving our house on 3rd Ave heading towards Kaloli a Big Black Feral Pig jumped right in our path sending my dog ,Lucy into a wild frenzy. Where her one nail opened my forearm there is swelling,dis-coloring, and a good amount of pain too. To make things worse my "funny kine cigarette buddy" is off island. I no longer drink you could say things are pretty uncomfortable these past couple of days since the pig spotting!

antidotes anyone?

Handle every situation like a dog,If you can't eat it or hump it,piss on it and walk away...

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Sounds infected, head for the clinic.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
or you could act like a dog and eat it or pee on it? lol be hard to hump;p

Yes, head to clinic. You could try opening it and boiling out with peroxide and then treating with mycitracin(sp?), but it sounds a bit late for that.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Beachboy, Cuts can easily get infected here (it is amazing all of the microbes that just live in the soils here....) The best early treatment is to treat all cuts, even the smalest, nothing ones) as if they are potentially serous. Make sure they are clean immediately (not "I'll just finish this project & then clean it", I have a nice ol' scar from that mistake), then treat with an antibiotic/antibactrial/antimicrobial (things like peroxide, iodine, tinture violet, even bactine, or the neosporine type ointments, then keep covered to aid healing...I usually have the liquid skin type products handy & always keep cut cleaning supplies in the car, backpack, lanai... (did I mention I am a klutz married to an rock hopping explorer, so I have had some field test work on this in the last few years...)

Edited by - carey on 11/18/2007 18:41:56
what if humping it worked? hmmmm... meantime, no need to go to the clinic. you can treat it by cleaning it thoroughly (soap and/or peroxide) and often and using a local like Neosporin and a light bandage at night then trying to keep it open during the day. Course, my days in the ER are long gone. "Uh, Louis Pasteur did what...?"

hey you got noni? I got. Treat like you would any would. I just did 3 weeks nursiing one of my dogs that got messed up(to put it nicely) and of course it was a week end. So I was vet again. All the above advise is good and if you want a nurse to look at it my neighbor is one and she'd look at it here in the park. I stay out of the Bay Clinic system altogether. When I cut my leg with my chainsaw I delt with it myself.
Puna is a good place to learn to deal with it yourself. You need comfry? I grow, I got. Noni works the best. Bob's dog got hooked in the neck, looked like dead. But noni, boy you can't tell nuthin, fix you right up, garuns.

Don't want to hijack the thread, but I understand that cat bites are way more serious than dog bites. Even cat scratches are more serious than dog bites. Be thankful that you have a pit bull instead of a terrifying tabby!


Yikes Beachboy,
don't ignore it, with the holiday coming doctor's will be scarce. Swelling pain, heat, redness, and of course pus are sighs of infection. If it MOVES go to the ER or clinic if open ... if it gets in your blood you can die in hours.

Dog scratch isn't the issue, but rather what bacteria got in when it happened.

I've been reading up on the advice to deal with staph and MRSA.

Do not use peroxide or tincture of iodine because they can cause cell damage which promotes the problem. Instead, wash it by repeated rinsing to dilute the bacteria. Do not seal it up with bacteria in it.

Wash with povidone iodine solution. Up to 1/3 of staph are now resistant to neosporin, so it's not a panacea.
Tea tree oil is pretty good, but if it's infected you will need antibiotics and just hope they work.

Don't let it go. And don't go swimming until it's better.
Take care.

take 2 of these call me in the morning


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