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RAT bloom.... now it's WAR
We've noticed a bloom in the rat population and the usual players are out of the rat bait stations that accept the bait sticks with the holes down the center to keep the bait in the station. I would like to pick some up locally before going the usual online route.

Any suggestions?
And once you get the bait, check it periodically to see if a rat peed on it. They are smart buggahs and will just take a nibble to see if safe, as it is something "new" on their forage route. If they get sick, they will "mark" it so the others will avoid it. If they marked it, disguise the remaining ones so it confuses them.

Community begins with Aloha
Del's farm supply.
Dels has been sold out.
Try a ratzapper
I haven't found anything here that works as well as the heavy duty bait stations on Amazon. We use 3 of them and they've done the trick. They're about 20$, really tough material that none of my animals can get in, and screw lock that is tight. They're even hard for me to get into. (need a screw driver to get in between the seams to open) I leave one on the covered porch where the caged birds are, one in the toolshed where we keep wild bird food, and the last out on the ground by the trash cans filled with corn and other hen feeds. No more 30$ trash can lids getting eaten by rats.
We have birds and rabbits and the rats love to come get the spillage of seeds and feeds. Before the bait stations all the animals were terrorized by pillaging rats at night getting into their cages through the smallest of openings, the dogs went nuts at night hearing rats on lanai, and rat droppings were everywhere. Amazon used to sell the "one bite" peanut butter bars too, single pkg. or by the case. Haven't ordered in a while, so not sure if they still sell it.

The best solution that we have found for rats is our cat! Ever since we adopted her a year ago, no rat problemo.
There's another thread where someone has a bloom of cats. Might want to see if two problems can be solved =)

Just call me Mike
Me ka ha`aha`a,
While I am a cat lover, terracore is not. He doesn't dislike cats, but they tend to eat all the lizards, baby chicken chicks, etc. along with the rats.

So we're just not at that point yet. I guess getting a cat is never 100% off the table, but it's a last resort.

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
I tried all the usual places... Dels, Home Depot, Ace Hardware, etc, etc. Nobody had them in stock. So I guess the rat bloom must not be limited to Orchidland. Amazon to the (eventual) rescue...

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