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"The ARTFUL Dance of Communication"
The Artful Dance of Communication


Ok, as one who broke da foot while stuffing da mouth, on more than one occasion, here is our new thread on The Artful Dance of Communication!

Thank you Thunderfoot for your wise yet elegant take on the use of words, many letters strung in a row.

Aloha, Mella


When I am forced to guess I have about a 90% chance of guessing wrong.

The simplest way out of this conundrum is to:

1. Assume the best and then
2. Ask a question

Punaweb moderator


That is very wise Rob, I agree. I think a contributing factor to misunderstandings is that we are trying to write what we feel, or think, without the other elements of human conversation. For example, humans are social animals and need to see facial expression and body language in order to better determine what the other person is saying.Without three demensional input there is a draw back to this form of communication.So,the computer is limiting on that aspect, but on the other habd,it is wonderful form of communication becasue we are connected to so many people at once. No matter what, society will continue and; communication will forever remain an artful dance. There are very intelligent and humorous people in this Punaweb community.We will all work out our differences,or agree to disagree,and life goes on.And yes,this is one of the best forums I have seen.And my hats off to you Rob.



So, are we having fun yet?
Hell I am. I have found for the most part those here to be a very eclectic group. Left and Right and in between, or like me contrary to everything, sometimes.
This country wasn't founded on the Declaration of Fitting In, delight in your differences with compassion, understanding and humor.


"Are we having fun yet?" is one of my favorite questions.
Thanks, Punaweb moderator


mella l

Edited by - mella l on 11/19/2007 13:17:51

Edited by - mella l on 11/20/2007 05:09:39
mella l
Art and Science
Thanks for the compliment Mella.I try to work on my articulation constantly,but am not always successful though,LOL

Punapetah,I always enjoy reading your blogs,and I agree with you that we need to keep Puna rural.I think Punarebel also brought that up in another thread.This is the Big Isle and we don't want what happened on Oahu or Maui to happen here.Some places on this planet should be a haven for the preservation of our planet.If Mother Earth isn't healthy,neither will we be.Without her,we would not exist.

Yes, I very much liked the phrase "artful dance" of communication when I saw Thunderfoot post it elsewhere.

Communication is what we do as human beings. When we do it well, all things are possible. When we do it poorly, flame wars on an e-board, and real wars with dead people can be the result.

I'm starting to make friends here, or at least I'm trying. Petah really impresses me with what he says, and as much with what he says, the way he says it. There are others, and I don't want to blow your head up, petah, but I'm glad to have found a place for lively communication among people who live in the place that I love the most.

How do I know?
Aloha! ;-)

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