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What's that next to Malama Market?
For some time now a small mountain of rocks and dirt, (30-40 feet high) have been dozed up next to the market and yesterday I noticed there was a lot of flowering/decorative plants put in on the top of it. Also a lot of those big concrete drywell things. Anybody know what it's about?
That's the new mall going in! Mcdonald's will just be up from there
It's not on the same property as Sanford's, is owned by a LLC. Unless Sanford will be leasing? Ugh! Mc puke.
I was trying to be half funny... Yep, puke is right. Smile
I call it McDogfoods

We're all here, because we're not all there!
We're all here, because we're not all there!
Originally posted by leilaniguy

It's not on the same property as Sanford's, is owned by a LLC. Unless Sanford will be leasing? Ugh! Mc puke.

So what ever happened to the big shopping center project at Bryson's Cinders. I know it was postponed when the lava was flowing, but what about now? Wasn't there going to be a KTA Store there?
It's just a guess, but KTA may have had second thoughts.
KTA may have had second thoughts

Probably the other tenants too -- but a strip mall doesn't work without a "key store", so it may not matter what anyone besides KTA thinks.

Besides, KTA can always to back to their old plan, just as soon as the State builds a roundabout at Ainaloa.
Originally posted by leilaniguy

It's just a guess, but KTA may have had second thoughts.

Usually a project doesn't break ground unless there are signed contracts. Since no lava is flowing now, nor did any lava touch the site, I can't see how a contract can be broken after so much work was done. This was worth millions of dollars. It can't just be swept under the rug.
This was worth millions of dollars. It can't just be swept under the rug.

How many years did it take for the Long's to open?

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