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Orchidland Neighbors

Orchidland Neighbors, a 501C3
Sharon Landry, President
HC 2 Box 5688
Keaau. Hawaii, 96749

Feburary, 13, 2016
Aloha Orchidlanders and Neighbors of District 5,
Orchidland Neighbors are excited to announce the escrow of 2 side by side lots on 36th off of Orchidland Dr. across the street from the OLCA’s community lot. This gives the community 4 acres to build a multi-purpose building and recreational facility that is self-sufficient in Orchidland. As most of you may have already heard ON and our community members who are interested in building a center needed to move forward as OLCA fell a little short on collaborating to build a community center on OLCA’s lot. We’re expecting to hear great news on the funding of the Community Block Development Grant we recently applied for by the end of this month.
We have a private donor willing to owner finance the lots and carry the note for us. However ON needs to come up with the down payment of 20% ($10,600). The total purchase of the lots are $53,000. ON put $1000 earnest money down leaving a balance of $9,600. ON has set up a go fund me account at in which we are accepting donations as well as ON’s website at We have another $1000 in pledges that we are working on picking up. We need these donations by March 1, 2016. ON has the closing cost in the bank as well.
ON just needs 20 donors whom are able to give $500 each and we are there. Or 40 members at $250. This would allow us to reach our goals quickly. Orchidland is so close after 15 years of planning and waiting to serve the greater community. ON appreciates any amount available. Remember these donations are tax deductible. Keep your eyes ON the prize. Please share on your social media pages and send out to your data bases asap.
Sharon Landry, President
Sorry but I'd prefer to support the official OCLA lot and community despite problems in the past. Over 15 years I've donated some to the community lot development and paid my road fees. What makes this opposition group so much better. It's just in my opinion a group of disgruntled opportunist begging for money. Why trust "ON" just cause of their pseudo altruistic rantings on the website? I don't think so.
who will pay tax on land ? the mortgage ? no fed funding would fund this smells scammy
We have a private donor willing to owner finance the lots and carry the note for us. ... total purchase of the lots are $53,000.

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal for the "private donor".

build a multi-purpose building and recreational facility

How much will this part cost? Especially considering it will be held to "current standards" (ADA-compliant bathrooms, handicapped parking space, tsunami safe room, etc).

Finally, are non-Orchidland residents/owners invited to participate?
Originally posted by Amrita

Sorry but I'd prefer to support the official OCLA lot and community despite problems in the past. Over 15 years I've donated some to the community lot development and paid my road fees. What makes this opposition group so much better. It's just in my opinion a group of disgruntled opportunist begging for money. Why trust "ON" just cause of their pseudo altruistic rantings on the website? I don't think so.

Mahalo for the conversation. ON would love to build the community center on the OLCA lot since most of us are OLCA community members. We made the effort. The BOD's that was present voted YES by majority and then wired things happened as usual and it didn't get acceppted. ON wrote a grant for $400,000 to get started and needed a lot to submit the grant to have a chance to accomplish the mission of a community center in OL. I would have rather put the new lots funds into the center. We started the 501C3 to open up a wider range of grant funding in which it is very difficult for 501C4's to do. Why not have the best of both worlds;a 501C4 and a 501C3 for the greater good of the community. Let us know if you can convince OLCA to put the center on our lot. I believe the lots belongs to the community not just a few Board Directors.
Originally posted by Orchidlandowner

who will pay tax on land ? the mortgage ? no fed funding would fund this smells scammy

ON will be responsible for the taxes and the expenses as well as the maintenance. We're able to apply for grants at all levels of government, county,state and federal. ON is a legally registered 501C3 that allows us to apply for all types of funding for these sort of projects.
Originally posted by kalakoa

We have a private donor willing to owner finance the lots and carry the note for us. ... total purchase of the lots are $53,000.

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal for the "private donor".

build a multi-purpose building and recreational facility

How much will this part cost? Especially considering it will be held to "current standards" (ADA-compliant bathrooms, handicapped parking space, tsunami safe room, etc).
ON appreciates all the support we can get. This is no easy task to say the least. Would have been great to use the lot we already acquired and put the funds for a new lot towards development of a park pavilion bathrooms etc. Time ran out in the decision making process of submitting the Community Block Development Grant.
Finally, are non-Orchidland residents/owners invited to participate?
And YES the facility is for all the community to use and enjoy. You must have missed the special meeting where ON presented the project to OLCA. We are transparent and would love to show you what we have so far. Your input would be appreciated.

Originally posted by kalakoa

We have a private donor willing to owner finance the lots and carry the note for us. ... total purchase of the lots are $53,000.

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal for the "private donor".

How much is one person suppose to donate and get zero back in return? We're just appreciative that someone was still willing to help.

build a multi-purpose building and recreational facility

How much will this part cost? Especially considering it will be held to "current standards" (ADA-compliant bathrooms, handicapped parking space, tsunami safe room, etc).

By the time everything is said and done the cost will be around $1,050,000.or a little more over the next few years. That's why the grants and not our pockets. Mahalo to our grant writers for volunteering their time and energy.

Finally, are non-Orchidland residents/owners invited to participate?

YES the grant is for all of district 5.
ON has submitted a grant for $400,000 for the planning phase. We're hoping for good news by the end of Feb,2016 Phase one will be a pavilion with bathrooms and a small office and some type of recreation area. Planning for phase 2 for the community center. I sat on the lot committee at one point in time. We learned where most of the issues were and are now working on resolving them. We need the 501C3 for the grants unless you know someone with really deep pockets that's willing to fund the center. I resigned when the current chair of the committee wanted to and started working with permits. Please keep the conversation flowing. It's the only way I know to resolve the difference and misleading comments and opinions. What is it you want to see in Orchidland or on the OLCA community lot?

Sorry I meant to say working with OUT proper permits to build the community center instead of with.
I don't believe there is a grant out there if you don't have County water and County Road to the organization .If you look at the grants in the past they have never given one out like t if you look at the grants in the past they have never given one like that. It looks like that is what the person putting up the loan is hoping for then he get the land.

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