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Mold/mildew recommendations?
Hey all, can anyone recommend a good mold/mildew testing company? My mother-in-law suffers from COPD and asthma and we're worried that her home in Mountain View may need remediation. As an example, when I visit her, I get tired and fall asleep sitting on the couch (I have asthma as well).

Also, as a follow-up question, assuming the testing company finds spores, can anyone recommend a good remediation company?

...we are everywhere...
...we are everywhere...
I was hoping to see some answers to this.

I just assume I've got mold and mildew, don't even know what remediation would look like.
I mean, I know how to get rid of it in spots, but it comes back. Would you have to remediate over and over?

><(((*< ... ><(("< ... ><('< ... >o>
The only one I've come up with in my Web searching is Has anyone used him for ANY type of home inspection?

...we are everywhere...
...we are everywhere...
There are home test kits you can buy that will even tell you what kind of mold.

Home depot has spray to kill and prevent mold.

..And the people bowed and prayed... to the neon God they made...
If you have health issues with mold or mildew in East Hawaii you should move.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
More accurately: if you have enough health issues, you're inevitably leaving the Big Island; I've met people who "had to" move to Oahu for their COPD.
Lee...We had mold/mildew issues, mainly due to poor workmanship in a remodel....I think y'all have seen what we needed to do to remediate....

b_a - we did it our selves...basically remove all materials that harbor mold currently (at that point in our house, gutting comes to mind...the earthquake of '06 was the final straw...) fix anything that is causing moisture to infiltrate & replace with materials that do not mold & make sure that nothing is closed & dark... we opened up all of our cabinets & closets, added more ventilation & replaced all mold-able materials with materials that do not mold (interior walls are Hardypanel - smooth- put up like really hard to work with drywall....) got rid of carpet, moldy paneling, bad plumbing joints, horrible shower drainage, termite & mold ridden base cabinets... the "whole 9 yards"... but now... mold free in the house for almost a decade!
Are any of these symptoms?

Difficulty breathing
Chest tightness or pain
A whistling or wheezing sound when breathing out
Trouble sleeping caused by shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing
Runny nose
Itchy, red or watery eyes
Stuffy nose
Itchy nose, mouth or throat
Postnasal drip (a flow of mucus from behind your nose into your throat)
Itchy skin or skin rash

If so, this can be caused by something more common than mold/mildew problems:

If you only see a few cockroaches every now and then, unfortunately that is enough to trigger these problems.

"The cockroach represents one of the most common sources of indoor allergens worldwide, and 40%-60% of patients with asthma in urban and inner-city areas possess IgE antibodies to cockroach allergens."

Originally posted by b_a

My mother-in-law suffers from COPD and asthma and we're worried that her home in Mountain View may need remediation.

Nowhere is safe from mold in a tropical forest. Albeit living as close as possible down by the ocean can limit it as it rains less there. We rented and stayed in several places as my wife also has COPD and it was only close to the ocean where and when there's unobstructed ocean breezes she did not have problems.

Now where I'm living, in SW Florida, where mold growth is not as bad as east Big Island but growing on exterior walls and concrete; side walks driveways etc. I have expensive special filters and electronic media to kill mold and bacteria added to my A/C system and yet the last time I changed and serviced it, there was a small amount of mold growing within the coils. However I also use ultra violet light within my coils and above them and they had failed, needing annual change.

Regardless my favorite A/C man says that, 'it's going to grow in your A/C system no matter what you do unless you keep your thermostat', as he does, '@ 72'.

Alternately, the ultra violet light was preventing mold growth previously and friggen 72 degrees is to dang cold!. The light bulbs aint cheap too.

There's no way She could live in mountain view, nor Cary's, (we visited her place for a week). Not Nanawale (stayed 2 months in 2 different locations , aniloa (stayed 1 month), most of or more than 90% of Hawaiian beaches, (stayed 1 month on an M street and visited every potential location within ). Nor black sands etc, etc. etc. , anywhere in puna for that matter. Except, she had no problems residing close to the ocean, 6 block from in Hawaiian beaches in a location where air from ocean was not restricted by the forest, (actual although 'peek-a-boo' visible ocean views. And, we also stayed on the same street for 1 month, a few blocks north with forest/jungle restrictions and it was not good) No problems in Kapoho (we stayed there for 1 month 4 blocks from ocean yet with forest, jungle restrictions) ) Kalapana and potentially HHP bocks from ocean, wherever driest, near the ocean, unrestricted from and receiving clean ocean air flow.

COPD? I'd get her out of Mountain view, yesterday. (wink)

My mom has COPD and asthma, and chronic bronchitis, and she feels great when she visits. Has never had to use her inhalers on a visit, even during trips into the vog. Only an allergy test can reveal what the potential triggers are.

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