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Puna Man Arrested for Mass Violence Threat
FYI: (*Snipped - Picture at link) SMH.

Media Release

A Puna man was arrested Tuesday (July 19) after he reportedly called a community association office threatening to bring a shotgun to a future meeting and shoot everyone present.

Approximately an hour after the incident was reported, officers successfully located the suspect after his vehicle was spotted parked off Highway 11 near the 20-mile marker. At 12:35 p.m. officer contacted and arrested the suspect, identified as 56-year old James Brent Jones of Glenwood.

Jones was charged later Tuesday with second-degree terroristic threatening. His bail was set at $2,000. After posting bail, Jones was released from custody pending his initial court appearance scheduled for August 25.
A man threatens to kill a crowd of people..ah..and they let him go.. Wow.

Im not quit sure the justice dept knows exactly what their job is..

..And the people bowed and prayed... to the neon God they made...
If he now goes forward and shoots people at said meeting... I wonder who will be held accountable?

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
Bail was set at $2000 which was paid and he is now on the street again:/
Curious to know which association got him so angry he would do this. His Glenwood address might be a clue, but then again you can live in one subdivision and own property in another.
If the judges did their jobs like they were supposed to do, we wouldn't need so many of them (or lawyers). More crime = more jobs......
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Another new hero for PW? Stick it to the man, they'z all corrupt anyway, especially the community associations, them'z and the county. Now those sunzabitches wrote the book on corruption. Just a country aina boy spreading the aloha.

*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
The HPD issued a corrected release--the threat was a phone call to one person:

Media Release (corrects location threat was received in first paragraph)

A Puna man was arrested Tuesday (July 19) after he reportedly called a community association employee’s home [corrected location], threatening to take a shotgun to a future meeting and shoot everyone present.

Approximately an hour after the incident was reported, officers successfully located the suspect after his vehicle was spotted parked off Highway 11 near the 20-mile marker. At 12:35 p.m. officer contacted and arrested the suspect, identified as 56-year old James Brent Jones of Glenwood.

Jones was charged later Tuesday with second-degree terroristic threatening. His bail was set at $2,000. After posting bail, Jones was released from custody pending his initial court appearance scheduled for August 25.

For full details, view this message on the web.

><(((*< ... ><(("< ... ><('< ... >o>
So, here is a dude threatening to take his shotgun and kill people at a meeting. And they let him out?? And, if he does go out and shoots people, the howls for gun control laws will ensue. Something isn't right about this.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
They should have kept him locked up until court..and given him a psych Evaluation.

Gettin arrested might just push his buttons more.

..And the people bowed and prayed... to the neon God they made...

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