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Cool Big Island places to explore or just visit.

This Lava Tube shown in this recent CNN video is only one of many lava tubes that we can see or visit here on the Big Island. Pretty Amazing that This Lava Tube in the video was only found 25 years ago while some were putting up fences to help keep pigs out of the area.

Anyone here on PW ever actually been one of the fortunate 600 people allowed a year to see or walk through this amazing lava tube "Puapo'o"?

Please share past lava tube experiences or other cool and somewhat secret places worth exploring or visiting here on our Big Island. Mahalo in advance.

Don't forget that you are spreading spores of the ROD when you leave your infected neighborhood when you are exploring.
Don't forget that you are spreading spores of the ROD

Excellent point Obie.

That's why I never leave my property without first stepping into the UltraSource 446010 Disinfectant Boot Mat on my porch. Filled with a strong Clorox or other disinfectant solution, it destroys any microbes that might be on my footwear. It stings a bit when wearing rubbah slippahs, but it's worth it to know that I'm protecting the aina:

“We’ve got to be as clear-headed about human beings as possible, because we are still each other’s only hope,” James Baldwin to Margaret Mead in the book A Rap On Race
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
The petroglyphs outside the tourist boardwalk area are way more interesting than those within. Just have to jump over some lava cracks and steep slopes, etc.
One of my favorite places on the Island "puako" has many petroglyghs to see and some of the best snorkeling on the Island.

When the surf is up on the west side of the Island, Puako gets a really nice wave to surf also at the end of the road at a place known as Ruddle's or Paniau's.
inside the park.. 'Devils Throat' is literally a stones throw from Chain of Crater Rd, but it is now unmarked because of the dangers.... always gives me the willies even though its nothing like its former self... ie
"Devil's Throat lacks a Hawaiian name and so is almost certainly young, probably forming in the late 1800s. It was first mentioned in a book by William Brigham published in 1909. Three years later, Thomas Jaggar described the "Throat" as 50 ft by 35 ft across, the longer axis parallel to the east rift zone. The edge of the crater overhung a dark depth, estimated to be 250 ft to the bottom by dropping a dozen pebbles and measuring their fall times.
The crater was first entered in 1923, when its opening was said to be about 30-35 ft wide. William Sinclair, lowered on a rope down the throat, found that the shape was roughly that of an inverted funnel, widening with depth (see figure). He measured its depth as 258 ft to the top of a rock pile, estimated to stand 35-40 ft high. With a "measuring line," Sinclair determined the long diameter (parallel to the trend of the rift zone) as 222 ft. He likely draped the line over the talus pile, however, since he was in the dark by himself; if so, the real width of the crater was more nearly 200 ft..."

drive down Chain of Crater Rd, park as close to the intersection with Hilina Pali Rd as you can, from the intersection walk across Chain of Crater Rd from the boulders placed near corner to keep people form parking there, walk in, youll see cracks and in less than a minute you are at the rim... dont get too close, its spooky when a crater is deeper than wide Big Grin aloha

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
other cool places on this side...
the 1.5 mile lava tube at the 23mm on Hwy11.. park at the mile marker 23, walk across the Hwy, go in jungle about eighty yards and that the entrance... one side of collapse is short, the other side you can walk 1.5 miles ea way in...

'The Great Crack of Kau' an 8 mile long, 60 foot wide and 60 foot deep crack in the surface of the earth.
heres directions in this link....

I also like the lava tube off the Old Pu'u O'o Trail called Emesine Lava Tube... the Powerline Road Trail is faster to entrance, but the Old Pu'u O'o Trail is more interesting as it winds through kipuka after kipuka... it was a cattle running trail in 19th Century

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
in Kalapana, the cave of refuge lava tube in the Hakuma horst is cool...

"...The Cave of Refuge is part of a once-larger lava tube system formed on the southern flank of the Kilauea volcano 10,000 to 1500 B.P. It was truncated by two NE-SW striking high-angle faults along which a block less than 200 m wide, the Hakuma Horst, in Kalapana (Puna District, Island of Hawaii) was lifted up. The cave system, 206 m long, consists of three tributary arms, the junction of which has largely collapsed. Into the breakdown a narrow entrance passage, 11 m long, has been built that allowed defense of the cave against intruders. Another, larger breakdown pit gives access to a small hall that probably has been used for dwelling. The system has six openings, one of which is in the fault face overlooking the Pacific. The system may soon be overrun by the ongoing Pu'u 'O'o-Kupaianaha eruption and should be studied archaeologically in detail before it is lost forever...."

the entrance is on mauka side of the raised horst,... there is an old unreadable marker/sign on post cemented into the edge of the horst, and youll see an old rock wall next to it, follow the wall into horst and the entrance is nearby.. its made smaller on purpose to keep intruders form easily gaining entrance...

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
I'm going to give up one of my favorite secret spots. Not on any map.

On the shoreline at King Kamehameha's birthplace near Hawi there is a spot called Breathing Rocks. You can see Maui across the channel, sit on the boulders along the shoreline and hear this very distinct breathing sound. The ocean surges through and below the boulders forcing huge breathes of air in and out. Pretty awesome.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
One of my favourites used to be the trail at the end of Captain's Drive in Fern Forest as well as the other branch trails off it. Unfortunately, it is off limits for the foreseeable future due to nanny state rules. Just walking the extensive and almost unpopulated roads of FF is an adventure and the 'trails' are in very good shape. Just watch for packs of dogs - walk softly and carry a big stick. I met an older gentleman out walking with a golf club. I told him the fairways are very straight, but rather narrow, and he told me the club was for the packs of dogs.

Me ka ha`aha`a,
Me ka ha`aha`a,

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