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Flying Clubs?
Is there a flying club in the Hilo area or know of anyone that rents out their aircraft?
I'm a pilot & looking to fly around the area.
Contact Scott at 854-5558. He owns a business were he does flying instruction and rents out his plane as well.
As "Hawaii Bound" mentioned, I recently opened a flight training and aircraft rental business, Aloha Skies Aviation out of Hilo International. My website is I have a Cessna 172C that has been nicely restored. My rates are $150 per hour wet (fuel included) for the airplane and $50 per hour for flight instruction. If you are not an experienced local pilot, I require you to have 500 hours logged and a current instrument rating to fly the airplane without me or another local CFI along with you due to the unique hazards and procedures of flying in the islands. I will require a short checkout flight in the airplane regardless, of course. I have headsets (if you need them), life preservers and a raft in the airplane.
The full fuel useful load is 570 pounds (I weigh 190 so you and your passengers need to be 380 pounds or less total if I'm going to be flying with you).
I looked into flying tours but the state and federal hassles and fees didn't seem worth it to me, so for now I'm just doing instruction and rental.
For anyone reading this who isn't a pilot but might be interested, we can do an introductory flight in which you'll be in the left seat with me in the right. I'll do the take off and landing, and after we are established level at our cruising altitude you can fly the airplane as much as you care to and to wherever you want over the Big Island. I can take over the controls when you want to take photos. You can bring up to two friends or family along at no extra charge, so long as we remain within the weight limits I mentioned above. There is no further obligation but I will furnish you with a logbook so that if you do decide to pursue your pilot rating the flight time will count.

Because we really just don't have enough noisy vehicles flying overhead already.
Originally posted by shockwave rider

Because we really just don't have enough noisy vehicles flying overhead already.

How does that haterade taste Rider?
SR - someone who is kindly offering their one aircraft for rent and also offers a very reasonable rate for flying lessons is not the same as the tourist helicopter issue. It's hard enough for young people to find a decent job here, but if a few have a dream of being a pilot, then what are they supposed to do? Scott's offer looks more than reasonable to me. If I had the money and was a little younger, I would have jumped at this chance.
He mostly does loops over hilo when training.. and as Tom said..
Scott's offer looks more than reasonable to me. If I had the money and was a little younger, I would have jumped at this chance.
TomK - It is bargain price for the island, do it anyway. You do not need to be trying for a license. Just do it for the fun and experience.
You don't want to know what a Cessna goes for wet in Alaska, I agree, it's a fair rate.......I charge 60 an hr for flight instruction. I also agree with alaskyn......find 2 hondo and give it a go over the house for ****s and giggles. There is nothing like a Cessna with the windows open on a lovely sunny day!!

Shockwave rider. Where should I mail the black socks and sandals?
"You kids get off my lawn!"

So am I automatically a bad guy because I make my living in the air? Don't hate all of us because of a few perceived bad apples. I fly Medevac. I could take you or your loved ones to lifesaving one of those "noisy flying vehicles overhead."

Hate helps no one. [Smile]


We're all here, because we're not all there!
We're all here, because we're not all there!
Thanks leilanidude and AKpilot. I have taken three or four local flights in the past where I was allowed to take over the controls once we were in the cruise - it was a blast! For some reason, there are a number of private pilots working for the observatories, some with instrument ratings as well.

What I really meant earlier is if I had the money when I first started working here, I would have loved to gain a private pilot's licence, but now, when I can actually afford to do so, I simply don't have the time. I do have opportunities to fly with a friend if I want to though.

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