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PGV Iceland style

I hope this technology makes it to Hawaii one day.
The anti-science will no doubt try to stop it though.
Wow, that sure is some-kind of technology being used in Iceland. The power plant using that technology looked like it was several miles from any communities rather than yards. In fact the power plant looked like it was in the middle of nowhere on a old lava field. The turain and rock looked much different than most of lower Puna's. jmo

This link here shows how some may want to save their home or Iceland from this type of technology and the continued geothermal operations.
Some interesting health related comments follow that article above.

Geothermal plants and their operations should not be allowed in our precious and rare environment of Puna. The geothermal power plants are an invasive plant in our rain forest. They help divide our nearby communities, cause an increase in our health care while providing no real benefits. Preserving or saving Puna as a place to heal should be a priority or our kuleana because Puna is one of the most unique places in the world to ever visit or have the opportunity to live. jmo

Puna has always been a place to heal a place where time or change happened slowly.

The Puna rain forests may need more protection these days and less geothermal development. jmo

Edited to add links
The power plant using that technology looked like it was several miles from any communities rather than yards. In fact the power plant looked like it was in the middle of nowhere on a old lava field.

If a similar plant was built on Big Island, where would you suggest it's located?

"One may pretend knowledge of philosophy more successfully than that of arithmetic." -Last Aphorisms (or how about, one may pretend knowledge with an opinion more successfully than with facts)
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I tend to support more geothermal myself. If anything is damaging the rain forest it is people.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Geothermal plants and their operations should not be allowed in our precious and rare environment of Puna.

Cesspools and paved roads should not be allowed in our precious and rare (you forgot "sacred") environment of Puna.
gypsy, go cut an albizia down..or pull up a dozen Miconia plants... help your pseudopristine Puna..

geothermal.. hot earth heating ground water to make steam to turn turbines to make electricity... and it can 'work' for hundreds/thousands of yrs... win win win win win

funny how not many balk in Geyserville NorCal and Iceland where they do this too... in Sonoma County, they actually pipe Santa Rosa's wastewater many miles up to the geysers as the 'groundwater source' for the steam... they been doing this for many many yrs

Iceland is easy, it has the same amount of people as Bakersfield CA, but is as big as 10 Big Islands. so its easy to find a rural place... they dont have trees or people there, and its cold as F~... see below aloha

ps this is all the people in Iceland in this video, and all the trees too...

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
Yes, let's pump up, transport and burn oil from all over the world instead of simply digging a hole here and enjoying the free energy.
What a twisted mindset.
As if things were that simplistic or those were the only choices. You might want to do some reading (such as gypsy69's top link) about Iceland's moves to tighten air quality laws and expand buffer zones around geothermal plants based on studies of negative health and environmental impacts to understand how Iceland's geothermal industry and our's differ.

Or you could continue your false dilemma, strawman trolling, but it's
clear you have spent plenty of effort there already.
Have you been to Iceland? I have, great place.
Have you ever read any of Gypsy's links? I have, don't bother.
Okay, I relented and read his Saving Iceland link. Those people make the Protestors sound like geniuses.

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