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Rat lungworm has a ground zero, Puna.
Some very scary and dangerous Parasites that are not well known about are lurking within our Puna district.

If anyone has any info about Rat lungworm and it's outbreak here in Puna please share your views, opinions, or experiences. This may be helpful to others in the coming months or years. Mahalo in advance.

Whats the best ways to get tested for this to see if one has got the Rat lungworm parasite?

P.S. With parasites like these around It may be time to end the water catchment era here in Puna. COUNTY? jmo
I'm still shocked that the Kaimu/Kalapana transfer station is closed 4 days a week given garbage is not only an attractant but increases the rat population. It is also an attractant for the mosquito that spreads dengue fever, another lovely disease here in Puna.

1. Transfer station needs to be open with garbage moved out daily so it doesn't sit around properties and sit in the transfer station.
2. Free snail bait for Puna residents or even at a discount, would be much less expensive than the hospital bills the state pays for comatose victims of rat lung worm disease.

This is simple effective prevention however the state and county don't seem to care or think along these lines. WTF? Perhaps they both need to be sued by the victims and their families.
I don't understand half the mindset of Hawaii (Maybe it's closer to 90% of the mindset). We choose to live here. Why should the state have to give us anything? Why should they be responsible for Rat Lung, Dengue Fever anything else.

I really don't understand that mindset at all. Sue the state because be have Rat Lung and Dengue. Hey I might sue them because we have tsunamis. I really don't like tsunamis and the state is aware of them so I think I will sue them over that.

I know I will get blasted on here for this but I am also one of those people that think you should work for a living and take responsibility for yourself. I don't believe in living of the government or other people's hard work. Yea, I know, I'm in the minority here....
Originally posted by Hawaii Bound

I don't understand half the mindset of Hawaii (Maybe it's closer to 90% of the mindset). We choose to live here. Why should the state have to give us anything? Why should they be responsible for Rat Lung, Dengue Fever anything else.

I really don't understand that mindset at all. Sue the state because be have Rat Lung and Dengue. Hey I might sue them because we have tsunamis. I really don't like tsunamis and the state is aware of them so I think I will sue them over that.

I know I will get blasted on here for this but I am also one of those people that think you should work for a living and take responsibility for yourself. I don't believe in living of the government or other people's hard work. Yea, I know, I'm in the minority here....

You have succinctly encapsulated the mindset of the trough-slopping, dead-ender, off-gridder mentality that infests PUNA. It hasn't changed substantiallysince my first extended-stay in 1982.
Why should the state have to give us anything?

If the State doesn't want to give us anything, fine: they can stop collecting the taxes, too.
I first heard about rat lungworm around 2003; there was an article in the (now defunct) Hawaii Island Journal.
So it's been a known problem in Puna for at least 14 years, and nothing's been done. Perhaps it's spreading to other islands.
Originally posted by kalakoa

Why should the state have to give us anything?

If the State doesn't want to give us anything, fine: they can stop collecting the taxes, too.

We have main roads to drive on and they are fairly well maintained. I'm not talking about subdivision roads. We have very nice parks ( not really used but we have them).

They shouldn't have to give us something because people are too stupid or naive to wash their garden vegetables.
Originally posted by Hawaii Bound

I don't understand half the mindset of Hawaii (Maybe it's closer to 90% of the mindset). We choose to live here. Why should the state have to give us anything? Why should they be responsible for Rat Lung, Dengue Fever anything else.

I really don't understand that mindset at all. Sue the state because be have Rat Lung and Dengue. Hey I might sue them because we have tsunamis. I really don't like tsunamis and the state is aware of them so I think I will sue them over that.

I know I will get blasted on here for this but I am also one of those people that think you should work for a living and take responsibility for yourself. I don't believe in living of the government or other people's hard work. Yea, I know, I'm in the minority here....

What's so hard about expecting them to pick up the garbage in a manner that doesn't contribute to the spread of rat lung worm disease? If you really want to take responsibility for yourself then be conscious of what happens with your tax dollars and care about the health of your neighbors.
Originally posted by gypsy69

Some very scary and dangerous Parasites that are not well known about are lurking within our Puna district.

Whats the best ways to get tested for this to see if one has got the Rat lungworm parasite?..

The video you shared indicated that a lumbar puncture is currently the only way to definitely diagnose this disease.

Thanks for posting this. It's unfortunate that most of the follow up posts here are way off base. As the video mentioned, people have contracted the disease from produce purchased at grocery stores, farmer's markets and restaurants, so it's not simply a matter of careless individuals not screening their home grown produce.
Also, I read or heard nothing in your link that mentioned anyone threatening to sue, or asking to be compensated.
There is a bill pending that would provide for funding research, which makes sense to do here locally since this is, after all, "ground zero". However, cases have been found elsewhere in the US, as mentioned in the video. It's in the best interest of the county, state, and nation to learn more about this disease.
Or, we could just throw up our hands and say "****e happens", and let those wealthier nations in SE Asia and S. America continue with their research unassisted.

Also, I read or heard nothing in your link that mentioned anyone threatening to sue, or asking to be compensated.

From Punatic007 Post

"This is simple effective prevention however the state and county don't seem to care or think along these lines. WTF? Perhaps they both need to be sued by the victims and their families. "

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