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Hi there! I'm moving to Discovery Harbor.
I realize that's in the K'au District, but there isn't really a forum just for K'au! I mean, not to my knowledge. I checked the forum here and it doesn't seem to be strictly relegated to Puna-only discussion, so I apologize if this is off topic and won't do it again.

My mom is selling the house here in southern cali and buying the DH place, and I'm coming with! House is sold here in Cali, now we're in negotiations on the house we're buying, we're pretty sure the owners will work with us but if not, there are other houses we can buy too. The major hurdle was selling our place and that's completed, so while buying a place in Hawai'i isn't easy at all, the major hurdle has been cleared at least.

Anything you can tell me about K'au, or Puna for that matter, I'll gladly listen to every single one of you just rattle off stuff about the local environment, coqui frogs, little fire ants, ablizia trees, ginger or christmasberry. Restaurants, social gathering spots, etc.

I'm really looking forward to the beaches as my #1 reason to be in Hawai'i, I won't lie. With that said, it bothers me that such a beautiful tropical paradise is being invaded by ****ty plants and animals. I very much would like to help chop down and exterminate those things that don't belong.

I also enjoy exploring the local environment and getting to know the land like my own home. When you do that, it expands the dimension of your "home" environment and it feels like the outdoors is more of a giant backyard then a huge forbidding expanse of unknown land, and K'au is huge, it's the biggest district by far and most of it is forever zoned as conservation.

I haven't really done any fishing or hunting in my past, but I like fish and meat, so I wouldn't mind learning! That's pretty much all I want to do in Hawai'i, go to the beach, explore, maybe fish or hunt. There is one other thing, but I'm not sure if we can talk about that here, local internet culture varies from messageboard to messageboard. The um, pakalolo. can I talk about that? If not, I won't bring it up again.

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile
There are lot of homes out there for sale. I would rent and see if that is the area you want to be in. There is not much to do in that area . But some people enjoy that there is not much healthcare choices there either. In all I would rent first that would be the best advice anyone could give you . Good luck

How did you pick/settle on, DH and Kau district? It seems from your post that you have never been there? There really aren't many beaches (OK a couple small ones). DH is a hot area - as in temperature and can be quite windy.

As mentioned, you really should rent for at least 6 months in the area you are interested in before committing to a buy.
Welcome! To Hawaii and Punaweb. You can talk about whatever you want, as long as it's local (i.e. Hawaii related).

Have you been here? It's a fantastic place but it's not for everyone. Many mainlanders leave again after a year or two.
Reality doesn't always match fantasy.

Good luck!
Discovery Harbor and Ka'u District regularly have thick vog in the air from the volcano. It is directly downwind. If you have any problems with breathing, you should check out the air quality before you buy. If you don't have a breathing related condition, it's still best to check out the air quality for a few weeks or a month. It's a deal breaker for some people.

You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Discovery Harbor and Ka'u District regularly have thick vog in the air from the volcano.

They're also the furthest from Walmart. Coincidence? I think not.
I should have mentioned I have visited the big island and was in the K'au district for two weeks! There's not really very many beaches near the K'au area, but Ho'kena is only 45 minutes away, and I love exploring the forest, so that would be something for me to do when I'm not going to the beach. As for the air quality, K'au is strange. It's super windy there, so while you're right that it's directly downwind from the volcano, A. vog tends to get blown away to Kona, and B. it also tends to not have quite enough time to cook in the sunlight to turn into vog at that point. As for the temperature, I'm super sensitive to the cold, sometimes, even in 69-70 degree weather indoors, I catch a chill and I can't stop shivering until I get warmer, so the heat is very welcome.

My mom's been to Hawai'i 9 different times, and she flew out to the BI to go out to K'au and check out that house personally, and she really likes the area. Me? I'm just glad to get to live in Hawai'i and not have to pay rent or a mortgage. It is probably the most remote spot on the big island, but I'm blessed just to be able to live there and not have to pay 1400+ a month. Sure I'd rather live a lot closer to Kona or Puna, that's where all the bitchin' beaches are at, but hey, no rent. Can't beat that! As for health, K'au Hospital has improved a lot over the last few years. I've done a lot of research into Hawai'i because when I came here, I felt something I've never felt before in my life.

I went out into the ocean on the black sands beach, closed my eyes and just floated in the water. In that like, half hour that I had, I was travelling with my mom, I felt like Hawai'i was the center of the universe, and I had somehow come to spiritually align with the ocean and the land of Hawai'i. It was at that moment that I knew, somehow, that I belonged there, that I had to stay there, no matter what. I got into a massive fight with my mom over it, the biggest we've ever had. It's funny how years later, after I didn't mention moving there even one time because of that fight, she gets the idea to move there herself.

That's the biggest thing I'm looking forward to, honestly, I didn't have any pakololo the entire trip, was dry for two weeks. Yet, when I was floating there in the ocean, I felt perfectly centered and happy. I really want to get back out into the ocean and just swim, it's so warm.

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile
My advice - avoid HOVE.

Edit to add: Unless you just go shop and go home. Don't stray too far from the highway in Ocean View. A few blocks to the Swap Meet, a few blocks to ACE, that's it.
Sounds like you'll fit right in ! Free rent, that's good. Nothing to lose.
Every place has its positives and negatives.

Kau is, to me, the last broad grasp of old time Hawaii left in the state.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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