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Comphrensive anti-bug network!
So, I'm starting to think on the realities of living in Hawai'i, and really, the only big deal for me is the bugs. Cockroaches and centipedes and giant cane spiders freak me out. Cockroaches and centipedes are the real problem, I'll be living in Ka'u. Ka'u isn't centipede central because it's relatively dry there, but it's still Hawai'i and man I'm scared of those big black centipedes. Cockroaches bother me too, and they change what they eat half of the year, or at least some species do.

I don't want to kill the cane spiders, they are useful, but the cockroaches and centipedes must be terminated at all costs. Can someone recommend me a bug vacuum for spiders, and an effective defense network against cockroaches and centipedes? I don't want to just do one thing. I want to do all of the things, even if it lowers the bugs by 1%, I'll gladly do it.

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile
They're not called cockroaches here, they're called "beach beetles". You're feeling better already.
I've never seen a cane spider.
For a homeowner, termites are the bugs to fear. Difficult to notice unless they're really bad, however. Bug vacuum for spiders? Never heard of such a thing.

You'll probably want to stock up on a variety of chemicals for home defense, but remember that those bugs are just trying to make a living, like the rest of us creatures. Also, they outnumber and outweigh us. Sure you want to pick a fight?

Edit: And calling them lowly "bugs", which they are not, only pisses them off...

"Cane spiders freak me out", "I'm scared of those big black centipedes", "cockroaches and centipedes must be terminated at all costs".

Are you sure you want to live here? There is no (magical ) vacuum to suck up all the bugs that I've ever heard of.

Cane spiders are just big, not harmful. We haven't even seen one since we moved from Kona 30+ years ago. Maybe K'au has them but they won't hurt you. If you want to be afraid of a spider, consider the Brown Recluse. They are scary, and all over the islands, although I've never seen one. I have seen their "bites" here and on Maui. Nasty. I've seen their victims in Oregon, Colorado and Montana too.

Cockroaches are everywhere. We leave them alone unless they make it to the house. Boric acid is cheap and cockroaches don't like it. We put boric acid inside the walls before we put inside walls up and around the foundation. We hardly ever see a cockroach in the house.

We used to see centipedes and millipedes in Kona too, but I never see them here. They are pests, but again, not life threatening.

It always surprises me that people move here, then freak out when they see a bug . Bugs gotta live somewhere too. They all have a job to do in the natural order of things.

Are you familiar with a "self realizing prophecy". If you believe the bugs will harm you, they probably will.
Maybe it's time to change your attitude from fearful to accepting ( of the critters here) or you will not find the Paradise you are seeking.
Originally posted by glassnumbers

I'll be living in Ka'u. Ka'u isn't centipede central because it's relatively dry there

You've been misinformed.
Lower Ka'u (Wiohinu through Pahala) is a major area of centipedes, and unless you go lower in elevation (Ranchos, South Point, etc) there's plenty enough rain to support these buggers. Even the drier (lower half) of DH has plenty of them.
I killed two centipedes day before yesterday.
Insects were here before the White Man came.

How dare you desecrate their sacred lands.

etc. etc.
Okay, now I know what a Hawaiian cane spider looks like:
Don't forget, cane spiders can teleport!
We get them in the house from time to time, no biggie, don't kill them when they come in for a visit.
But they move sideways, jump, and are so fast that you will not see them move until they are 3 feet away.
I was extremely bug phobic when I arrived, but have mellowed a bit. Never seen a cane spider in 14 years. Roaches fly here. Centipedes are the devil. Cement slab houses are more prone to centipedes. My main solution was to get chickens. Also Diatomaceous Earth, glue traps or in dire situations Talstar chemical.
the realities of living in Hawai'i, and really, the only big deal for me is the bugs.

The more time you spend fighting insects and spiders in Hawaii, the less time you'll enjoy other activities in your home, or outside in nature.

Even if hypothetically you could manage to create a 90-100% bug free home, then when you finally get outside to enjoy some time at the beach, or walking through fields or in the forest, you'll encounter bugs. Lots of them, big and small, everywhere.

Try and adapt to them in your new Hawaiian environment. They sure have.

On the fifth day - the scientists who studied the rivers - were forbidden to speak - or to study the rivers. -Jane Hirshfield's poem on creation
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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