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DOT presentation tomorrow, 9/9, in HPP
A community forum on roads, including the latest update from the state Dept of Transportation on Hwy 130, will be held tomorrow, Saturday, Sept. 9 at the Hawaiian Paradise Park Activity Center at Makuu and Rd 16 in HPP, beginning at 1:30 PM and going until 4 PM. Another topic will be: How private roads become county roads.

Speakers include County Councilwoman Eileen Ohara, Kason Pacheco and Allan Simeon of the Hawaii County Dept of Public Works, John Olson and Larry Brown on the Puna Community Development Plan. The public is invited.
so got to meet some of the new players. i think the main point was to dispel all the rumors and falsehoods about the work on HWY 130 and more specifically HPP connectors. one bit of punatik nonsense when a guy wanted to out shout and take over the meeting. guess that is getting to be what america is about, mob rule. but it was quelled pretty quickly as it was almost time to go home and people were starting to leave anyway. as soon as i saw this group sitting up their cameras i thought this might be the plan. they always seem to want to film themselves being rowdy... anyway another of many meetings if only they would translate into actual work on the roads it would be worth while...

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