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Rat Lungworm on organic farms debate renews
In spring I commented that controlling rat lungworm would be a bit more difficult on organic farms. This is because rat populations have the potential to be higher on these farms for several reasons, including their lesser use of chemicals to control insect pests, which rats eat. The greater use of mulch on organic farms also serves as rat habitat.

HOTPE objected.

As a response on April 25 I posted the following:

Honolulu Star Advertiser April 24 Editorial: Fight rat lungworm with best practices:

(Excerpts; sorry no link; I only had a hard copy. Newspaper requires an account for online access.)

“(The news reports) have dealt a blow to local farmers, who again must counter consumer fears about buying their produce. As a result the industry is working to confront the problem at the point of origin, by following best practices for crop processing and distribution...Vector control--especially against rats, in this instance--is of crucial importance. This becomes challenging for organic farmers, who can’t use the chemical pesticides relied on in conventional agriculture, but it’s still doable.”

I then commented: Inexplicably, the other rat lungworm forum had a protracted debate on whether organic farms are more susceptible to rat lungworm vectors.

Yesterday in the helicopter debate, a pro-copter poster quipped: “Let's just ban all tourists and be done with it.” Obviously a facetious comment. I quipped back “what profound thinking.”

HOTPE's response to my quip:

Almost like taking a discussion about rat lungworm into the weeds, by claiming organic farming methods encourage rat habitats, that the statement is supported by a reference in an unsubstantiated opinion piece (without scientific or statistical documentation), because it can be considered "common sense" and it was in a newspaper (of public record?), although, again, not in the news section but on the editorial page. Like that?”

A link should not be necessary to convince. But below is one. Though it relates to Montana, it is applicable to Hawaii. Part of opening paragraph:

“Most farmers have challenges related to crop damage due to wildlife pests. Organic farmers have additional challenges because they cannot use chemical controls which are sometimes the most effective and efficient options...”

And just to clarify, lest there be confusion, in contrast to the issue in Montana, where rodent damage to crops is the primary issue, the dominant rodent issue on farms on Hawaii island is the animals’ role in spreading rat lungworm.

There is obviously a lot of quibbling and irreverent comment on Punatalk. Let’s try to keep this language (and our disagreements) off important scientific topics. There is no place on the rat lungworm issue for a denial of basic science.

You should have been a lawyer.
The evidence you present, councilor:

State of Montana v. Wildlife Pests

does not include any mention of rats, which I believe your referred to as "the dominant rodent issue on farms on Hawaii island."

I object.

I checked with a common sense judge and she said: Evidence is not admissible. Please strike from the record and jurors of Punaweb are to disregard.

The Donner Party really wasn't that great of a party, was it?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
"I spring I commented that controlling rat lungworm would a bit more difficult on organic farms"

No wonder you no longer work as a journalist.
Evidence is not admissible. Please strike from the record and jurors of Punaweb are to disregard.

There are enough similarities between various mammal pests to know that all are impacted by chemical controls, which are limited on organic farms. Your complaint is rejected.

And why would the Honolulu Star-Advertiser write such an "unsubstantiated opinion?" What was their motivation? Did they conjure the information out of thin air?

You ought to have enough sense to realize your attempt to support this very poor position is futile. A quiet bow out is recommended. But if you insist on continuing we can.

(Any other posters with local expertise have some data? Maybe someone from the Dept. of Ag or UHH? The question is simple: Do the characteristics of organic farms, generally speaking, make them more hospitable to rodent presence and reproduction than commercial farms?)
"I spring I commented that controlling rat lungworm would a bit more difficult on organic farms"

No wonder you no longer work as a journalist.

Thank you for your kind alert to my typo. Always hard to catch the last one or two.
"You ought to have enough sense to realize your attempt to support this very poor position is futile. A quiet bow out is recommended."

I could say the same about your elitist-helicopters-should-be-banned position in another thread. Just give it up.
And why would the Honolulu Star-Advertiser write such an "unsubstantiated opinion?" What was their motivation? Did they conjure the information out of thin air?

Seems to be the case, most of the time.
why would the Honolulu Star-Advertiser write such an "unsubstantiated opinion?" What was their motivation?
Because the writer is a journalist. Not an agriculture/farm/pest expert. He might be expected to write on any issue of the day, but he can't be expected to be an expert on all of them.

Did they conjure the information out of thin air?
Editorial opinions? You need to ask?

your attempt to support this very poor position is futile. A quiet bow out is recommended.

...the Bon Homme Richard, having head way, ran her (quiet?) bows into the stern of the Serapis. "Has your ship struck?" To which Captain Jones answered, "I have not yet begun to fight!" - John Paul Jones (Captain of the USS Bonhomme Richard, not member of Led Zeppelin)

The Donner Party really wasn't that great of a party, was it?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

This article cleared up quite a few misconceptions I had about organic farming. I suspect MarkD and the Star-Advertiser have many of the same misconceptions.

Although I think organic farming is a clever scam, I don't see any reason why they would have a bigger rat problem. It certainly doesn't fall into the category of "common sense".

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