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Richard Ha's dispensary
So Oahu's second dispensary is on the cusp of opening. The state's other two that have opened -- one on Oahu and one on Maui have sold about 57lbs of cannibus resulting in revenue exceeding $450K.

In related news, the Big Island's dispensaries are not even close to opening. Apparently, they are still "trying to get building permits." Now we all know that Hawaii County's building permitting process is indeed a point of contention. But seriously?

In all due fairness, most medicinal Marijuana patients on the Big Island live in Puna. Most of these folk will grow their own. But for folks who are not able to grow, I feel sorry for them. They will have to wait at least until the Spring to see any dispensary doors open. Almost two years after being given the green light to open.
still "trying to get building permits."

All Mr Ha needs to do is sign a lease with Puna Kai shopping center for his retail location...
Or they can just fly to Maui
Originally posted by macuu222

Or they can just fly to Maui

Gotta smoke it all in Maui though. Returning to the Big I involves crossing international waters which involves the feds and you know who the Reefer Madness AGUSA. Also Doug Chin will be after you as the legislature passed a law banning inter-island transport by patients.

I wonder what the hold ups are with Mister Ha...
This tidbit mentions "difficulty" but lacks some detail:

Zachary Taffany, COO of Hawaiian Ethos, said his company has the green light from the state but is waiting on the county to sign off. He's tentatively hoping the operation will be up and running by February.

"The Big Island especially has a very strict compliance, and we're doing our best to work closely with them. We hope the Big Island dispensaries won't be last to open," he said. "It's just deep scrutiny and a lot of time. We have 10 of the 11 signatures we need for our permit, but we're not going to disclose the agency that's holding us up."

1. I didn't know the Big Island could do "strict compliance" on anything.

2. Last I heard, Ha is even further behind the process, hasn't even built the production facility.

At this rate, it's almost certain that the Big Island, which has most of the MMJ patients in the state, will be the last place dispensaries actually open. Fortunately, patients have been "working around" these limitations for decades, so the lack of an "official, sanctioned" dispensary isn't really preventing anyone from anything.

(Not that I even begin to understand the point of paying annual fees to get a permit that grants the privilege of paying higher prices...)
Works both ways - I guess Ha has deep pockets if he can continue to screw around after having paid over a million for the privilege of doing so!
having paid over a million for the privilege

Actually, only $125K per licensee -- so far. At one point Ha said "April 2018", by which time his license fees will be up to $175K, having had to renew twice before opening, which really makes the whole thing seem like some kind of scam...
So... I'm wondering.......

What is the going rate of good quality top shelf (grade A) 27% or higher THC of weed say... an oz is a good starting point. $ per Oz? Anyone know? Set price or does it vary from location or island?

Growing weed yourself is fine and dandy, but growing top shelf that not full of mold or bugs is another story. Hence indoor / hydro.

Also, if Richard has to pay a half million in license fees already, PLUS, rent fee, and employee's, overhead and obviously the state will probably take some sort of cut... plus he has to make some sort of profit on all this?

Not like I'm a card holder ... but maybe it would be worth it to get one if the products were priced reasonable? For some reason I'm thinking due to lack of competition and the cost to of operation I'm thinking an OZ in Hawaii of good stuff will probably be extraordinarily expensive.

Way to pricey, the black market for weed in Hawaii is $225 per oz. They want double. I got all 5 flavors they were selling, all were tasty. I got seeds in 3 of the 5. Seeds for $70 an 1/8th? Thank you for investing your time and money in opening but you won't be seeing me again at those prices. The 2 hour wait is absolutely ridiculous. I am getting medicine because I am sick but you made me sicker standing in the hot sun. Like I said you grow a tasty product but you need to half the price. You can buy an ounce of anything in Colorado for $120 an ounce. August 2017.

A review from Oahu dispensary, 400 for an oz? Wow....... That's harsh
hawaii should be paving the way, yet they're not. why do they make it so hard for themselves? laziness? stupidity?

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