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This is weird -bounced email to Joy Sanbonaventura
Sent an email to Joy Sanbonaventura 8/29/2017 and just now 10/12/2017 I get an email back this message cannot be delivered.
Why would it take six weeks to get something like this?

Has anyone successfully sent Joy an email?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
It's Hawaii... what other explanation is needed????
Joy clearly doesn't care much for her constituents. Don't need an email bounce to figure that one out.
She asked me to email her......
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Never forget that Joy is a woman who couldn't be bothered to know squat about a dengue fever outbreak in her district because according to Democratic party stalwart Frankie Stapleton, she was "too busy doing legal work for the medical marijuana dispensary legislation." We all know how well that turned out. Oh, and then later on she sold out her constituents to appease the power brokers in Honolulu on their rail bailout. But she doesn't need to worry about communicating. She's the annointed Democrat, and it takes us Punatics several terms to come to our senses and toss one out. Anyone remember Faye Hanohano?

EightFingers, you might want to change the subject line to something more specific. "Weird" covers just about anything that happens in Puna.
Since when did same-same become "weird"?
an email bounce like that is likely indicative of a glitch on the mail server. was it a .gov email address? try sending the email again.
Who, among Joy's detractors, is going to stand up and run to replace her? Any takers?
We all know how well that turned out.

Turned out pretty well for Oahu, what with their two dispensaries open...
[quote]Originally posted by glinda

Who, among Joy's detractors, is going to stand up and run to replace her? Any takers?
[How about you?/quote]

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