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Geothermal reading from 1989.
Aloha Gypsy,

Keep up the good work.

Mahalo RWR, Welcome to PWeb.

Much like the many current observatories up on the Mauna, Geothermal has been nothing short of a large experiment with several dangerous blowouts,leaking wells and Broken promises for the lower Puna community. Many Puna residents including myself will always remember these incidents and many others as well.

On a side note, The ROD has been killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of Ohia trees on the Big Island. Many residents have stated in the past that the ROD may have been first spotted near or around the PGV property in Lower Puna. I have always had many questions about this, Here are a few of them.
Why did the county and state of Hawaii not act on this spread of ROD for several years?
Why did the county and state allow Helco and the PGV to bulldoze in the immediate ROD contaminated area before doing anything?
Why has the state and county continued to dodge or allow any health studies to be conducted around the PGV and nearest communities?
In the initial PGV contract, Would the county or state of Hawaii have asked for any environmental or health studies to be done if diseases like the ROD start in or around the rain forest leased PGV property?
How much PGV production was being lost through that last leaking well? Also, how many months or years was the large production well Leaking into the nearby communities?
I try hard to avoid all your gibberish and your sock puppet accounts Gypsy, but in case someone unaware is reading your babble, they should be aware that you're a chemtrails nutjob whose hobby is spreading misinformation and falsehoods.

Now get over to the back nine - the gophers are running wild again!!
"But if I kill all the gophers they'll lock me up and throw away the key."
Mahalo Jim, I needed that!

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