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More from Tulsi: Net neutrality to be repealed
I got this yesterday, and since it's something that will effect us all, and far beyond just political, I feel it's best to post here...

FCC Chair and former Verizon lawyer Ajit Pai just announced his plan to dismantle net neutrality. He will give even more power to corporate internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon while raising costs for average consumers.

Millions of Americans support net neutrality. It keeps a level playing field for all who use the internet, making it possible for entrepreneurs, independent journalists, and other content creators to connect with their audience. Without net neutrality, ISPs will be able to throttle internet speeds, block content behind paywalls, and unfairly favor some content over others.

The FCC will vote on net neutrality next month. Tell them to keep net neutrality, not compromise the freedom of the internet for more corporate profits. Add your name to our petition today.

We should be discussing how to expand internet access to more people, not restrict it to those who can afford to pay more. The internet is vital to equal opportunities in education, entrepreneurship, job searching, and even keeping a job once you've been hired. Many of the people living in my district, in rural communities, those on Native American reservations, and in low-income areas across the country do not have high-speed internet. It is our job to ensure that everyone has the access and connectivity they need to thrive in our 21st-century economy.

Sign our petition telling the FCC to keep net neutrality the way that it is. We will not accept another handout to corporate ISPs while we foot the bill.

We cannot do this alone. Mahalo for adding your voice in support of net neutrality today.


And there is a link to her petition..
she really is in the wrong party.
Originally posted by RWR

she really is in the wrong party.

I disagree with this statement...only 1 party at the table in Hawaii for the past 50 years. She is giving herself a voice at that Tulsi
There is going to be a nation wide protest against Verizon on Dec. 7th. Verizon has been lobbying heavily to remove net neutrality rules so they can up their fees to access certain services, like charge more for facebook or email, etc. For an example of how non-neutral access works you can see the example from Portugal:

Note the various fees for "Email" or "Social Networks" shown in their internet access plan.

There's been a few groups talking about demonstrating at the Hilo Verizon (Ajit Pai was a Verizon council lawyer) for these reasons:

(Ajit Pai was a Verizon council lawyer)

As Eric1600 pointed out, Ajit Pai is an industry insider. Who do you think he owes his allegiance to? It's not the consumer. As I read elsewhere, putting him in charge of the FCC was not a case of the fox guarding the henhouse, it's effectively replaced the fox with a weasel.

Internet providers under the new rules will be able to throttle your bandwidth. What does this mean? If you have Spectrum as your internet service provider for example, and they also offer cable TV service but you prefer a better, more affordable package from Sling TV, HULU TV, or YouTube TV, Spectrum will be able to legally reduce the bandwidth for those providers to your home making the video choppy or poor quality, forcing you to buy their TV service if you want a clear full definition picture.

It will be the same with Internet phone service or any number of future applications.

“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
If you have Spectrum as your internet service provider

Simply switch to another ISP, right?
The DPH (the Hawaii Dems) are expected to "Primary" Rep. Gabbard in 2018.
Neither the "Old Boys" or the "Hillarybots" like her apparently.
(The two groups are not completely identical.)
Consequently, I and others will likely strongly support her in 2018.

If you think Rep. Gabbard is OK, please support her and vote for her this coming election.
kalakoa @ 08:35:49-
The proposed change in regulations apply to all ISPs.
I would not expect Spectrum to behave with much significant difference
from Verizon and the rest.

It's a moot point.

Old Croc @ 12:56:10-
What/which is the moot point?

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