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more County raises!

All those raises for the workers via collective bargaining means that the bosses also need raises so that they make more than their staff. This triggers raises for the deputies, who are required by County Code to make "between 50% and 90% of the boss' salary".

Now it's just a question of how the tax hikes will be implemented to pay for this -- my guess is they'll "borrow" some of the "excess" Fuel Tax Revenue, then raise property taxes (but not "pay back" the FTR).

I have no issues with legal counsel and prosecutor making a lot more. Was shocked to see that low of a salary.

I do have a problem with the rest of these department heads, simply to get raises because their own hourly staff made a bunch of extra money from overtime, which is ridiculous. In fact, their own mismanagement allowed those staff to get all that overtime pay, which then "by law" allows them to get large raises!
Bosses should not necessarily make more than their staff. Sometimes specialized skills are worth more than a business degree.

Time to change the code to favor the taxpayers.
Time to change the code to favor the taxpayers.

Good luck with that.
With all these raises, I guess it goes without saying that the pension shortfall that Kenoi left us has not been addressed yet...
The raises will lead to higher shortfalls in the pension and health care debacle !

We get almost nothing in the way of services now and it's just going to get worse !
That would be a Plus + 1 for Obie-one-kanobe, I second your statement chief.
Anybody actually reading the County's balance sheet? Is bankruptcy on the horizon or what? Because spending sure seems to be outpacing income.
Because spending sure seems to be outpacing income.

But don't we all feel better that it's due to overtime expenses and subsequent raises, rather than questionable pCard charges? At least with the pCard charges we knew it went to Hostesses and overpriced drinks, instead of boring nonitemized generic overtime disperments. What fun is that?

“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
boring nonitemized generic overtime disperments

"Next round is on me -- I'll just put down an extra hour of overtime."

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