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Police Make Pot Patients Give Up Their Guns
Honolulu Police Tell Medical Marijuana Patients To Give Up Their Guns
Some say the department’s policy of sending letters to patients is an escalation of efforts to deny gun permits.

From Civil Beat at:

which in part reads:

"The Honolulu Police Department is sending letters to medical marijuana patients asking them to surrender their guns.

“If you currently own or have firearms, you have 30 days upon receipt of this letter to voluntarily surrender your firearms, permit, and ammunition to the Honolulu Police Department (HPD) or otherwise transfer ownership,” says one letter dated Nov. 13 and signed by new Police Chief Susan Ballard."

Can you imagine this as legal? Can you imagine this as a policy that would be implemented here on Hawaii Island? Is it already? And why pray tell if it is ok to prevent a person that uses pot for medical reasons from possessing a gun is it not the same for a person with a script for pain killers? People that have heart conditions? How about people that use alcohol? If, in order to get a gun permit you have to be pot free, even for medical purposes, why should this logic not apply to everyone that buys a six pack at the store? That visits a bar? Isn't it common knowledge that (some) alcohol users are far more violent than pot smokers?
Can you imagine this as legal?

Of course it's legal. Federal law pre-empts, remember?
This is really old news and it is true in all states with medical marijuana.
Thanks Glinda, didn't know about that. Guess it will make it easier for the jackbooted thugs to kick in our doors and take our stuff, "because drugs".
Originally posted by glinda

Some say the department’s policy of sending letters to patients is an escalation of efforts to deny gun permits.

I say it's not- but should be.
Anything that leads to less guns is fine by me.
First off, the state doesn't need to expend any more energy on NOT issuing concealed weapons permits. Can anyone name EVEN ONE case where the state DID issue one? I didn't think so. If you are talking about permits to purchase, that's different.
Second, why single out people that, say, have cancer and pot lessons the pain? Does anyone really think a dying cancer patient in major pain is going to go out and become a mass murderer? More likely is a midnight trip to 7-11 for potato chips.
Booze makes people mean, belligerent, and aggressive. Well, not me. I just sit in the corner with a big smile. So how about we make drinkers turn in their firearms?
With my cancer, should I need pot, and should I find out that it relieves my pain, I'll just by it illegally.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
So people have to choose between whether they want legal pot and illegal weapons, or legal weapons and illegal pot. Because prohibition always works, right?

When will they stop electing people dumber than a 5th grader?

ETA: I need to edit this post and explain that I don't think that 5th graders are actually as dumb as politicians, it was a play on words of some TV show that aired at one time. I never actually saw the show, but if they pitted the 5th graders against politicians, I'm pretty sure we know who would win.
We need to just legalize pot and let anyone in prison for smoking, or having small amounts in their possession, walk out. Then we need to lockup and keep violent criminals behind bars. There shouldn't be a single pot related prison cell occupied while we let out violent criminals, saying it's because our prisons are over full.Makes no sense. But, what do I know?

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Unfortunately, I believe, is that the HPD mindset is that if you possess marijuana, legit with permit or not, makes you a felon. Felons are not allowed to possess firearms.
They seem to have skipped a step and have forgotten the part that convicted felons are not allowed to possess firearms.

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